Tuesday, April 29, 2014

4-29-13 Curmudgucation Week


Malloy: I Didn't Bring That Ugly Girl to the Prom
Connecticut Governor Dannel P. Malloy has joined the parade of politicians working to backpedal like a boss away from the Common Core.On the CTMonitor site, Jacqueline Rabe Thomas recaps Malloy's Monday interview on NPR.Malloy does his best to create fear and trepidation for anybody considering an opt-out for testing, and his best includes raising the specter of the feds cracking down. "If to

The New Enemies List
The Tea Party threat is over. Well, over-ish.I've been writing about this in the context of other topics, but I believe it deserves its own attention. Over the past ten days, the narrative about the Enemies of the Core has shifted.On April 21, The Daily Beast attributed attacks on the Core to "an unholy alliance between the Tea Party and the teachers' unions." That article got some play
Petrelli Warns of the Day After
Fordham has deployed the Damage Control team of Michael Petrelli  to put up an article at the Governing website. Petrelli and his sidekick Michael Brickman (who, sadly, did not even get his picture on this article for which he's billed as co-writer) have a warning for Common Core foes:Like a dog that finally catches the bus he'd been chasing forever, what happens when opponents of the Common Core

4-28-13 Curmudgucation Week
CURMUDGUCATION: The Gates Wants Us To Take a StandOver at Inside Higher Ed, Dan Greenstein and Vicki Phillips are making yet another pitch for the Core on behalf of the Gates Foundation (Greenstein is director of postsecondary success and Pillips is director of education).  I would love to tell you that they have shiny new talking points to offer, but no-- it's the same old fluffernuttery. Here's