Tuesday, March 4, 2014

3-4-14 Fred Klonsky | Daily posts from a retired public school teacher Fred Klonsky

Fred Klonsky | Daily posts from a retired public school teacher who is just looking at the data.:


First day of ISAT testing. Boycotting teachers are still in their classrooms.
In spite of threats by CPS CEO Bully Byrd-Bennett that boycotting ISAT teachers would be sent home without pay, those teachers are in their classrooms this morning, not testing. This according to reports in the Chicago Sun-Times. Despite a threat from the Chicago Public Schools chief that teachers who are refused to administer an annual state achievement test would be ordered to leave, boycotting
The schizophrenic Chicago Tribune in the the kingdom of Dick Mell.
  Aaron Goldstein. I’m not sure what an endorsement by the Chicago Tribune means in actual votes. I’m sure some professional political operative can write in and tell me. But when the Trib endorsed progressive challenger Will Guzzardi against Toni Berrios, it probably meant more that Berrios is already in trouble and sinking fast. The editorial board of the Trib reads the same polls as Madigan an

Pensions at the polls. The story of Travis and Guzzardi.
     Jay Travis and Will Guzzardi. Back in May when the Illinois House voted for Senate Bill 1, many of us called on our union and political leadership to mount primary campaigns against those state representatives who voted to cut our constitutionally protected pensions. Some we would win and some we would lose. Still, the message would be sent that there was a political price to pay for violatin
3-3-14 Fred Klonsky | Daily posts from a retired public school teacher
Fred Klonsky | Daily posts from a retired public school teacher who is just looking at the data.: Today is the first day of early voting. I won’t be voting for Kirk Dillard.Today is the first day of early voting in Illinois. After some coffee and breakfast I will head over to the library on Milwaukee Avenue and vote for Will Guzzardi in the 39th State Representative District. I promised to do that