Wednesday, February 12, 2014

SPECIAL Mid Day Banana Break 2-12-14 #RealEdTalk #edreform

Big Education Ape - Mid Day Banana Break

Portland teachers strike: Options for parents who choose not to cross the picket line
Options for Portland Public Schools parents who choose not to send their children to school in event of a teachers strike.

Why Precisely Do Teachers Leave High Poverty Schools?. Recently, I participated in a 9 minute podcast, via BAM Radio Network, with host Larry Ferlazzo, an inner-city High School teacher. Mr. Paul Bruno, a middle school teacher in Los Angeles, California, and I discussed the following topic: Why do teachers avoid, or leave, high poverty public […]

CPS test cheating – focus on “bubble” kids
From a parent who received this message from a teacher: This kind of thing is happening all over, and it’s awful. This idea of concentrating on kids “on the bubble” is terrible educational practice (or malpractice…) Begin forwarded message: From: (teacher wishes to remain anonymous) Date: February 12, 2014 at 9:39:42 AM CST To: ****** Subject: NWEA Today we had a grade level meeting about the NWEA

Congressmen Warn Education Department Not To Let Minority Students Slip Through The Cracks
The grandfather of the No Child Left Behind Act is putting the feds on notice, warning them not to pervert the education law's principles -- and he's stressing that he's not alone in his fight. NCLB co-author Rep. George Miller (D-Calif.), ranking member of the House Committee on Education and The Workforce, joined seven other Democratic House members -- representatives of the Congressional Black

Davis Calls for Increased Access to Full-Day Pre-K
In the latest of her education reform proposals, Democratic gubernatorial candidate Wendy Davis is calling for increased access to full-day pre-kindergarten programs and an expansion of early-childhood reading programs. Davis’ plan, which proposes that school districts across the state offer full-day pre-K programs beyond the three hours a day the state already funds, pivots on her push for f

You are a pilot for American Airlines. You are good at your job, as evidenced by the fact that your number of landings equals your number of takeoffs.   American has just purchased a new fleet of jets – actually the government, who threatened their FAA certification if they didn’t buy them, told them to. […]

Annual State Application under Part B of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) is to be submitted by May 12, 2014, for federal fiscal year (FFY) 2014.

House Democratic leaders are worried that Education Secretary Arne Duncan is not doing enough to hold states accountable for educating public school students who are low-income, minority, disabled or English language learners. Read full article >>    

Another New Jersey official resigns and no, there is no scandal. Indeed, from those who report on New Jersey education policy there is much praise for his endeavors. Nonetheless, signs still exist; for Chris Christie appointees it is profits before people, greener pastures over the good of […]

What Do You Really Want?
Yerika R. was a student at 826CHI for two years, serving on their Youth Advisory Board and joining their first-ever 'Louder Than A Bomb' team. She wrote "What Do You Really Want?" as a 10th grader, and it was published in 826CHI's Compendium Volume 3. She currently attends Pomona College in California on a Posse scholarship, where she writes every day is spearheading the creation of the

Parent-trigger vandalism case may cost woman city post
A Southern California woman may be ousted from her city leadership post for allegedly vandalizing a classroom after losing a political fight against the so-called parent trigger law. Chrissy Guzman listens to the judge during her arraignment hearing on Jan. 13, 2014 in Victorville, Calif. Guzman and co-defendant Lori Yuan pleaded not guilty to charges for vandalizing a classroom in Desert Trails E
10 most (and least) popular Advanced Placement (AP) subjects
Ambitious college-bound U.S. high school students continue to have a deep aversion to math and science, according to my reading of the latest Advanced Placement (AP) test data released by the College Board on February 11, 2014. In this table I compiled of the top 10 subjects, only Calculus AB (the easier of the two math tests) makes it into the top five. Physics and computer science aren’t in the

Chicago Public Schools Scale Back on Number of Standardized Tests
Parents and community organizations have joined Chicago teachers in a campaign to reduce the number of standardized tests students have to take. Though the school district has reduced the number of exams this year from 25 to 10, according to Chicago Public Schools CEO Barbara Byrd-Bennett, opponents of the testing are not satisfied. One bone of contention is the Illinois Standards Achievement Tes

No testimony today in Vergara v California
Superior Court Judge Rolf Treu is taking a break today from the Vergara v California trial. Testimony resumes tomorrow with a returning witness, education policy expert Dan Goldhaber. Lawyers for the plaintiffs — nine students — are expected to conclude their case next week, turning things over to the defendants — the state and its two biggest teacher unions. At issue are state laws that govern te

U.S. Takes a Sharp Drop in World Press Freedom Rankings
Reporters Without Borders The United States took a nasty drop in the World Press Freedom rankings, released on Wednesday by the media group Reporters Without Borders, falling 14 spots to the 46th best country for journalist freedoms. Of the 180 countries ranked, the home of the First Amendment now sits snuggled between Romania and Haiti. The U.S.'s jump in last year's rankings was dismissed at

By Victor Landa, NewsTaco My wife is an educator, so I’ve heard of the “word gap” in conversations with her. The word gap is the difference in the number of words that a child hears before they are old enough to go to school. It’s important because the more different words a child hears the larger their vocabulary becomes, and the larger their vocabulary the more prepared they are to succeed in sc

Schools across the country are running out of the planned snow days they'd put in place to deal with bad weather. As winter's blast of frigid temperatures and snowy conditions drags on, some school districts have kids at home completing assignments online while others are figuring out ways to deal with lost school days.» E-Mail This     » Add to

New SRC member Jimenez a rare combo of empathy and tough love
by Annette John-Hall Farah Jimenez, newly confirmed member of the School Reform Commission, will be the first to concede that the SRC is not the answer to solving myriad problems that plague the District. And it may not ever be. There are a lot of vehicles through which she could work to help Philadelphia kids achieve, Jimenez told me over a cup of coffee in West Philly last week. “It doesn’t have

Both the Operations and Audit&Finance Committees have meetings tomorrow, Thursday the 13th.  In addition, there is also a Work Session.  Audit&Finance and Operations both start at 4:30 p.m. and the Work Session on Technology starts at 6:30 pm.I call this out because Operations and A&F did not have their agendas out until yesterday.  Again, I have to smile and wonder.  These are very le

Monstrous Labels, Part II: Tuskegee Experiment
Our only possible ethical response to human suffering--cultural holocausts--is to try to take the sacrifices made in humanity's historical tragedies and make them sacred, through remembrance and honor. That's an enormously difficult thing to do, fraught with false equivalencies and cultural misappropriation. But is it wrong to try?

                Jay Hansen, California Medical Assn. lobbyist and appointed SCUSD school board member for Area 1 is running  for election to the seat he now occupies. He recently issued a press release crowing about big name endorsements and campaign donations. Through his under the dome connections he's gained the endorsements of Supt. Tom Torlakson, Senate Pro-Tem Darrell Steinberg and Assemblym

I'm off to go listen in on the Work Session this afternoon about Capital Program Planning. I was talking with an aide to a City Councilperson yesterday about this very issue.  Apparently the staff and families at the NW Center for Kids have been very active in reaching out in all directions to try to stay in the SPS building they currently occupy.  He was mystified at how there could be two groups

Hansen's Crowing About his Campaign Is a Little Premature | The Sacramento Coalition to Save Public Education
Hansen's Crowing About his Campaign Is a Little Premature | The Sacramento Coalition to Save Public Education: Hansen's Crowing About his Campaign Is a Little Prematurepublished by Kate_Lenox on Wed, 02/12/2014 - 12:41pm                Jay Hansen, California Medical Assn. lobbyist and appointed SCUSD school board member for Area 1 is running  for election to the seat he now occupies. He recently i
California's IDEA Annual State Application for 2014 - Administration & Support (CA Dept of Education)
California's Annual State Application for 2014 - Administration & Support (CA Dept of Education): California's Annual State Application for 2014Annual State Application under Part B of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act  is to be submitted by May 12, 2014, for federal fiscal year (FFY) 2014.The California Department of Education (CDE), Special Education Division, completed its app
SKrashen: Why Invest in Libraries
SKrashen: Why Invest in Libraries: Why Invest in LibrariesWHY INVEST IN LIBRARIESStephen KrashenPresentation at LAUSD Board of Education meeting, Febuary 11, 2014To discuss libraries, several important results from educational research will be of use.POVERTY COUNTSThe impact of poverty on educational achievement has been documented again and again. Poverty means, among other things, inadequate die
High school in America: A complete disaster.
High school in America: A complete disaster.: What’s Holding Back American Teenagers?2.7k260519Our high schools are a disaster.By Laurence SteinbergHigh school, where kids socialize, show off their clothes, use their phones—and, oh yeah, go to class.Photo by Creatas/Getty ImageEvery once in a while, education policy squeezes its way onto President Obama’s public agenda, as it did in during last mo
What’s Effective Teaching? | Gatsby In L.A.
What’s Effective Teaching? | Gatsby In L.A.: What’s Effective Teaching? I demand an effective teacher in every classroom!  Don’t you?  Doesn’t every child deserve an effective teacher?  I am outraged that there are so many teachers who are not effective!But wait…What do I even mean by an “effective teacher?”Right now in this country, we are all about “effective” teachers.  Here in a courtroom in L
Mandatory Reporters AB 1432 - Year 2014 (CA Dept of Education)
Mandatory Reporters AB 1432 - Year 2014 (CA Dept of Education): State Schools Chief Tom Torlakson Announces Support for AB 1432SACRAMENTO—California State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tom Torlakson announced today his support for legislation authored by Assembly Member Mike Gatto (D-Los Angeles) that would require formal training for all school employees on the identification and reporting
2-12-14 THE WHOLE CHILD BLOG - I Love To Watch Tucker When He Is Learning
I Love To Watch Tucker When He Is Learning — Whole Child Education: THE WHOLE CHILD BLOGI Love To Watch Tucker When He Is LearningFebruary 12, 2014 by Jeffrey BensonI love to watch Tucker when he is learning. His eyes widen, his face lights up, and he cannot contain himself, shouting out answers—no, not answers but ideas and concepts and "ah has"—and he often gets in trouble for being in
Twitter Chat 2.17.14 at 8:30PM EST – Alternatives to Higher Education Student Voice:
Student Voice: Twitter Chat 2.17.14 at 8:30PM EST – Alternatives to Higher EducationJoin us this Monday, February 17th at 8:30PM EST using the #StuVoice hashtag to discuss alternatives to the current higher education model. We will be joined by pioneers exploring alternatives to the current college model to discuss:- The viability of current alternatives to college- What alternatives can offer tha
2-12-14 This Week in LA - School Report - What's Really Going on Inside LAUSD
LA School Report - What's Really Going on Inside LAUSD (Los Angeles Unified School District): LA Unified board votes against a caretaker (twice) for vacant seatPresident Vladovic: His vote doomed caretaker The LA Unified school board on Tuesday quashed any chance for temporary representation for the 110 schools and nearly quarter million students in board District 1, twice defeating measures that
Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Rahm and Byrd-Bennett lied about shrinking suspenstion rate. It's worse than ever.
Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Rahm and Byrd-Bennett lied about shrinking suspenstion rate. It's worse than ever.: Rahm and Byrd-Bennett lied about shrinking suspenstion rate. It's worse than ever.Rahm & Byrd-Bennett claim a 23 percent drop in suspensions. Really?I didn't think it could get any worse. I thought the Daley/Duncan era of schoolhouse-to-jailhouse, Zero Tolerance and mass suspensio
Take It Till U Make It | EduShyster
Take It Till U Make It | EduShyster: Take It Till U Make It At a growing number of urban schools, it’s all testing, all the timeRemember how just the other day you were despairing that public education has devolved into a sad synonym for testing of the standardized variety? Well I’ve got great news, reader—it turns out that you were wrong! According to a new study by an organization called Teach P
Early Common Core testing will be a jarring wake-up call — what then? | The Lens
Early Common Core testing will be a jarring wake-up call — what then? | The Lens: Early Common Core testing will be a jarring wake-up call — what then?NSNONeerav Kingsland expects Common Core to deliver a rude awakening.Here’s a prediction: When Louisiana students first take high-stakes exams aligned with the Common Core curriculum, no more than three out of every 10 children will achieve proficie
Schooling in the Ownership Society: Why Cerf jumped ship in N.J.
Schooling in the Ownership Society: Why Cerf jumped ship in N.J.: Why Cerf jumped ship in N.J.Cerf bails on ChristieIf Jersey Jazzman tells me that the Christie's Bridgegate scandal has nothing to do with the timing of Chris Cerf's jumping ship and heading for Murdoch (see comments) I believe him. There's no one who knows N.J. ed politics better than JJ.I never meant to imply that the bridge scand
Subprime Learning: Early Education in America Since the Great Recession | National Opportunity to Learn Campaign | Education Reform for Equity and Opportunity
Subprime Learning: Early Education in America Since the Great Recession | National Opportunity to Learn Campaign | Education Reform for Equity and Opportunity: Subprime Learning: Early Education in America Since the Great RecessionPosted on: Wednesday February 12th, 2014As the US recovers from the Great Recession, pre-k and early learning have moved into the national spotlight. Advocates, organize
FCMAT » Cali Education Headlines Wednesday, February 12, 2014
FCMAT » Fiscal Crisis & Management Assistance Team: Charter schools association continues push to weed out low-scoring schools | EdSource TodayEducation HeadlinesWednesday, February 12, 2014FCMAT provides links to California K-12 news stories as a service to the industry. However, some stories may not be accessible because of newspapers' subscription policies.San Ysidro schools face $12M judgm
Morning Wink 2-12-14 AM Posts #BATsACT #RealEdTalk #EDCHAT #P2
BIG EDUCATION APE - MORNING WINK  AM POSTSLISTEN TO DIANE RAVITCH 2-12-14 Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for allDiane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all: Carol Burris: How the NY Regents Fooled the Public on Common CoreCarol Burris explains here how the New York Board of Regents hoaxed the public into thinking they had agreed to major changes whe


Read Across America is a national day celebrating reading — this year on Monday, March 3, 2014 — sponsored by the National Education Association and California Teachers Association, along with many of the country’s leading literacy and youth groups.
The more children read, the better they read. And the more they read outside of school, the better they do in school. Therefore, this year the Read Across America committee is piloting a project calledCalifornia Reads, working closely with the California School Library Association, to expand our current day of reading celebration to a yearlong promotion of reading for all ages. Rather than just one day and just one book, California Reads offers teacher-approved quarterly book recommendations for four age groups.
Everyone Can Celebrate!
One of the goals of the California Reads program is to involve our local communities in reading events, and there are many ways to celebrate! Invite police officers and firefighters to read their favorite books to your school. Parents can volunteer to read in their child’s classroom. Librarians can arrange special story hours. Practice dramatic readings with your students. Invite a local news anchor or even your mayor to read to your group. Ask your local bookstore to host a children’s read-in. The list is endless! Why not take the first step and pledge to participate!