Monday, February 10, 2014

2-10-14 Fred Klonsky | Daily posts from a retired public school teacher

Fred Klonsky | Daily posts from a retired public school teacher who is just looking at the data.:

Ralph Martire

Pension theft comes to Chicago.
Subject: NEWS RELEASE: CTU will not negotiate ‘at the point of a gun’ NEWS RELEASE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Stephanie Gadlin February 10, 2014 Desk: (312) 329-6250 THE GREAT CHICAGO PENSION CAPER IS UNDERWAY Chicago’s public school educators will not negotiate ‘at the point of a gun’ CHICAGO – The Chicago Teachers Union (CTU) vowed to stand firm in its defense of the retirement security of t

Why Illinois retired teachers should care about a progressive income tax.
A couple of things you should know. First. If you write in Ralph Martire’s name because you are disgusted by the choices in Republican and Democratic primaries for Governor of Illinois, your vote won’t count.  That’s the law because Martire would have to file that he is officially a write-in candidate. Second. Retired teachers should be actively engaged in the campaign for a fair income tax in Il
Whys retired teachers should care about a fair state income tax.
  A couple of things you should know. If you write in Ralph Martire’s name because you are disgusted by the choices for Republican and Democrats for Governor of Illinois, they won’t count it.  That’s the law because Martire would have to file that he is a write-in candidate. Retired teachers should be actively engaged in the campaign for a fair income tax in Illinois, even though no retired perso
2-9-14 Fred Klonsky | Daily posts from a retired public school teacher
Fred Klonsky | Daily posts from a retired public school teacher who is just looking at the data.: In the NEA, this is what democracy looks like.Whoever thought it would be so hard to run for union delegate as a retiree? A quick review. I retired in June of 2012. I changed my union membership for active to retired. The switch didn’t get processed in time for me to run statewide as delegate to the 2