Friday, November 15, 2013

Still Bored! More Observations on Boredom in the Classroom - Teacher in a Strange Land - Education Week Teacher

Still Bored! More Observations on Boredom in the Classroom - Teacher in a Strange Land - Education Week Teacher:

Still Bored! More Observations on Boredom in the Classroom

So--my previous blog, on boredom, has drawn lots of traffic and commentary, with responses falling into three general camps: 
A. Amen, sister! Boredom is as boredom does.
B. Let's share useful ideas on preventing boredom through innovative instruction.
C. Bored kids are powerless victims trapped in failing, factory-model classrooms.
Dear A and B Commenters: Thanks. I loved the camaraderie, and liked reading your ideas, although some of them are increasingly difficult to accomplish in No-Money, Huge-Class Accountability World. 
Still, I welcome strategies for addressing boredom. In fact, there is no issue more practice-