Friday, November 15, 2013

11-15-13 "Our Schools Are Not For Sale" | National Opportunity to Learn Campaign | Education Reform for Equity and Opportunity

"Our Schools Are Not For Sale" | National Opportunity to Learn Campaign | Education Reform for Equity and Opportunity:


"Our Schools Are Not For Sale"

Posted on: Friday November 15th, 2013
With public schools under attack across the nation, it is inspiring to see just how many organizers (many of them students!) are attending rallies, school board meetings and press conferences to defend of their schools and demand the resources and opportunities every student deserves.
Our allies at the Philadelphia Student Union (PSU) have been featured in several recent media stories. These young organizers are proving to be some of the strongest voices in the movement for educational equity in their city and nationwide.
"Our Schools Are Not For Sale" is a short video chronicling the challenges students, parents and educators encountered this fall when the school year began. Philadelphia schools, wracked by years of budget cuts, opened their doors this year without money for things like basic classroom supplies, textbooks, nurses, assistant principals or other support staff.
PSU member Sharron Snyder, a high school senior, is concerned about navigating the college application process without the help of a college counselor – yet another vital resource many Philly students are going without. "Right now, it's just going to be teachers and cops," she said.
The film also highlights the many rallies and student walkouts that advocates and organizers have lead in recent months to protest funding cuts and mass school closures.
Scroll down to watch the full video.
Snyder and her fellow PSU members Othella Stanback and Kelli Ross were also featured in an article on 

11-14-13 National Opportunity to Learn Campaign | Advice for Boston's New Mayor on Education |
Advice for Boston's New Mayor on Education | National Opportunity to Learn Campaign | Education Reform for Equity and Opportunity:  mark  readAdvice for Boston's New Mayor on EducationWarren Simmons, Executive Director of the Annenberg Institute for School Reform, has some advice for Boston's Mayor-Elect Marty Walsh: to improve the city's schools, focus on equity and wraparound student supports. W