Thursday, September 12, 2013

The Educated Reporter: EWA Webinar: The Power of Principals - Stories on School Leaders

The Educated Reporter: EWA Webinar: The Power of Principals - Stories on School Leaders:

EWA Webinar: The Power of Principals - Stories on School Leaders

Looking for a school full of effective teachers? Chances are you'll find an effective principal, as well. For education reporters, identifying what makes a strong school leader can be a challenge. That's why EWA is hosting a webinar today to tackle how to cover this complex issue. You'll get five "story ideas to steal" (yes, we really want you to steal them!), and spark your own ideas for compelling coverage. The webinar is at 3 p.m. EDT, and you can register here.

To help guide the discussion, the webinar will feature clips from a new documentary:"The Principal Story." The Washington Post's Emma Brown will serve as moderator, and, as always, there will be plenty of time to get your questions answered.

For more on principals, check out my Q&A with the Wallace Foundation's Jody Spiro. If you want to know about about school leadership and governance on a broader scale, EWA's Story Starters resource is a good place to start. 

And if you're interested in higher education, we have a few spots left for our upcoming journalists-only seminar in Boston - Guess Who's Coming to Campus: What Demographic Changes Mean for Colleges and Reporters. Sen. Elizabeth Warren is delivering the keynote, and we're expecting lively debate and discussion on a wide range of issues. I'm especially looking forward to the session on veterans returning to college. 

Have a question, comment or concern for the Educated Reporter? Email EWA public editor Emily Richmond at Follow her on Twitter: @EWAEmily.