Thursday, September 12, 2013

Missouri Education Watchdog: Local School Boards Not Needed. Will the US Dept of Education be Running Your School District?

Missouri Education Watchdog: Local School Boards Not Needed. Will the US Dept of Education be Running Your School District?:

Local School Boards Not Needed. Will the US Dept of Education be Running Your School District?

IMPORTANT! Some info about the new round of race to the top - district grants that are due on October 3rd.  

School districts who want to take federal money directly from the Federal Government and bypassing state agencies are listed below.  What taxpayers, parents and legislators must understand is with money comes enormous strings.  Why not just abolish state educational agencies and school boards if the Federal Government gives money directly to school districts?  Forget about the constitutional authority of state agencies and local school boards.  The US Department of Education is now directing local and state educational directives.   

Here is a list of school districts by state that have indicated that they intend to apply for RTTT-D funding: THERE ARE DISTRICTS FROM EVERY STATE on this list!

There is a state and local comment period -- start working on the mayors or town administrators to influence their comments!

"Each LEA included in an application must provide its State at least 10 business days to comment on the LEA’s