Wednesday, July 24, 2013

7-24-13 Ed Notes Online

Ed Notes Online:

Randi Weingarten Proves She's an Ed Deformer, Mulgrew and UFT Should Condemn Her...
...but it will not happen because Mulgrew and Unity are totally aligned with her.I won't get into the details given other bloggers hammering Randi:Pissed off teacher: Union Should Stick To Defending Teachers -     When a person hires a lawyer, the lawyer does not decide whether the person is guilty or innocent. The lawyer just defends that person to the bes..Perdido St: It's Time To Fire "Bad"
Support Teacher/Parent Marie Corfield for Assembly in New Jersey
JJ is one of the awesome bloggers out there. I'm not big on political campaigns but if he asks I am there. I am heading over to donate to Marie right now.Dear friends of Jersey Jazzman,I promise I'll keep it short, and I promise this will be the only time you will hear from me about this:My good friend, Marie Corfield, is running for Assembly here in New Jersey. I don't have to tell any of you wha
7-23-13 Ed Notes Online
Ed Notes Online: Joe Williams' DFER Propaganda Laugh Riot, Lauding E4E, Ignoring MORE organizations like Educators for Excellence are increasingly giving voice to teachers who have a totally different framework for social justice...... 18% of active teachers who actually voted, one out of five of those teachers voted for someone other than Mulgrew to be president... Joe Williams, DFE