Saturday, June 15, 2013




#edweek finds Nirvana.

A new piece of propaganda published by EdWeek and written by Crowe, Allen, and Coble begins with this assertion: Better-prepared teachers and greatly improved teacher-preparation programs are the essential ingredients of stronger academic outcomes for this nation’s K-12 students. It is then followed up with this evidence to support it. ?????????????????? That’s right. Nothing!  It […]

News Reel No. 2, Senate HELP and #ESEA

Part two of our series.

Creating Artificial Student Failure in New York @nysed @nysut

New York Teacher (I will post the name when I get permission) posted some pretty shocking information on the UOO Facebook site recently, along with her comments and a letter to Steven Katz, the Director of New York State Assessments.  This is blatant.  This is wrong.  If there was any doubt that New York has […]

Accountability for the bottom, immunity at the top, incompetence all around

Bill Maher’s recent New Rule is somewhat applicable to our current moment in education reform. Watch it now, or later, and come back here. One of the chief problems in education right now involves the actual workforce: uninspired, supervised, scrutinized, unappreciated, and underpaid. But the individuals populating the bloated bureaucracies of public school systems are […]

@EdWeekComm once again provides valuable line space to the ignorant hordes #teacherprep #highered

Education Week is once again serving the interests, via its commentary section, of non-educators. This time, from some fly-by-night LLC called Teacher Preparation Analytics in DC. Judging by the amateurish nature of the website, I can’t say I’d really want their advice or their analytics, whatever those are. But the three founders and partners in this organization […]

Save LAUSD’s SRLDP Preschools for English Language Learners

First published on solidaridad on June 15, 2013 Because we know that language learning doesn’t occur in one year or even in a few months, it’s over time.—Becky Palacios, Ph.D. The School Readiness Language Development Program (SRLDP) is an amazingly effective Pre-K program for English Language Leaners. This isn’t the first time that Broad and […]

Report Back from the Trigger Happy Parent Revolution’s “Meet and Greet” with teachers and social justice organizers

What troubles me is what you are doing with the millions you raise. You use it to sow dissension, to set parents against parents, parents against teachers, parents against principals. I don’t see this as productive or helpful. Schools function best when there is collaboration among teachers, parents, administrators, and students. Schools have a better […]

Merrow Is a Jolly Fellow (Not)

I hate even to acknowledge John Merrow’s most recent venture into not having a clue, but his attempt at humor is yet more evidence that the evidence doesn’t matter: The Common Core and the End of the World In Merrow’s evidence-free world, all who question the Mighty Common Core are nothing more than end-of-the-world loonies. […]

Do Not Shake Hands with #commoncore

Some days it is terribly overwhelming to read the comments of despair and desperation from parents who are trying to figure out how to help their children who are suffering from severe anxiety after being told they will be retained due to failing the state test. Many of these children must take the test multiple […]


mike simpson at Big Education Ape - 10 hours ago
@ THE CHALK FACE knows SCHOOLS MATTER: [image: gears] #highered needs some consistency in its #MOOC concerns. Please. #AAUP by Chalk Face, PhD We don’t really cover MOOCs here all that much. Perhaps we need to get on it. But I was cued into a post on the Chronicle over the AAUP’s concern with intellectual property rights and MOOCs. I like the AAUP. It’s a relatively strong organization that seems to be the last really supporting academic freedom, […] @educationgadlfy reviews state science standards, but something’s missing #NGSS by Chalk Face, PhD For the record, a “gadfly” is... more »