Sunday, May 5, 2013

UPDATE: SACBEE's Laurel Rosenhall gives Failed DC Chancellor Michelle Rhee a BIG WET KISS |

The Buzz: Michelle Rhee's StudentsFirst group under fire from liberal blogs | State |

The Buzz: Michelle Rhee's StudentsFirst group under fire from liberal blogs

Michelle Rhee frequently says herStudentsFirst lobbying group is a bipartisan organization that backs Democrats and Republicans who support her vision for education: charter schools, vouchers and performance pay for teachers.
But its left-leaning critics routinely cast it as Republican, out of step with union values many Democrats hold dear.
Last month, California Democrats wouldn't let it have a booth at the party's state convention, andDean Vogel, president of the California Teachers Association, gave a speech saying it's "backed by moneyed interests, Republican operatives and out-of-state Wall Street billionaires."
Now it's again under attack, with liberal blogs pointing out its support for lawmakers taking positions against immigrants and gay people.
The Daily Kos criticized it last week for naming Tennessee legislator John Ragan its "reforme

What we can learn from the rise and fall of Michelle Rhee

mike simpson at Big Education Ape - 9 hours ago
What we can learn from the rise and fall of Michelle Rhee: What we can learn from the rise and fall of Michelle Rhee by JASON STANFORD on APRIL 17, 2013 At some point, we need to stop believing in miracles, at least in education. While we’re still getting over the RICO indictments handed down in the Atlanta cheating scandal comes the revelation that the success Michelle Rhee achieved as the “no excuses” superintendent of Washington, D.C.’s public schools was the product of massive cheating. Those asking why Rhee isn’t under indictment just like her former colleague in Atlanta are ... more »

Serious Problems Remain for Stargel, Trujillo and Rhee on Parent Trigger Petition | Scathing Purple Musings

mike simpson at Big Education Ape - 11 hours ago
Serious Problems Remain for Stargel, Trujillo and Rhee on Parent Trigger Petition | Scathing Purple Musings: Serious Problems Remain for Stargel, Trujillo and Rhee on Parent Trigger Petition by Bob Sikes As Kelli Stargel take to the Senate floor today to defend her Parent Trigger bill, she will be wondering whether or not it was a good idea to get involved with Michelle Rhee. There were likely to be enough votes and political muscle behind it without having to resort to submitting a fraudulent petition into the debate. But Stargel and House sponsor Carlos Trujillo were getting... more »

StudentsFirst ‘parent trigger’ petition: Phony signatures?

mike simpson at Big Education Ape - 11 hours ago
StudentsFirst ‘parent trigger’ petition: Phony signatures?: StudentsFirst ‘parent trigger’ petition: Phony signatures? Posted by Valerie Strauss on April 29, 2013 at 6:00 am 1 Comments More [image: petition2]A petition in support of “parent trigger” legislation in Florida spearheaded by StudentsFirst, Michelle Rhee’s education advocacy group, apparently has numerous signatures on it from people who say they didn’t sign it. That’s what the Miami Herald/Times reported in this story after questions were raised about the authenticity of signatures on the petition and reporters sent e-ma... more »

The deception continues on the parent trigger… | Parents Across America

mike simpson at Big Education Ape - 2 hours ago
The deception continues on the parent trigger… | Parents Across America: The deception continues on the parent trigger… by pureparents This blog was written last night by PAA founding member Rita Solnet. Today’s news was huge – Rita, PAA and other parents and parent groups in Florida have defeated the parent trigger there. More on that later, But meanwhile, some valuable insight from Rita: Watching the Florida Senate debate the so-called Parent Empowerment bill, is like watching an episode of Truth or Dare. The bill’s sponsor, Senator Kelli Stargel (R)- Lakeland, clumsily danced ... more »

Walton foundation gives $8 million to StudentsFirst -

mike simpson at Big Education Ape - 11 hours ago
Walton foundation gives $8 million to StudentsFirst - Walton foundation gives $8 million to StudentsFirst by By Howard Blume Failed D.C. schools Chancellor Michelle Rhee's education advocacy efforts got a boost Tuesday with an $8-million grant from the Walton Family Foundation. (Allen J. Schaben / Los Angeles Times / January31, 2013) By Howard Blume April 30, 2013, 3:00 a.m. A foundation associated with the Wal-Mart family fortune has expanded its support for the education advocacy group run by former District of Columbia schools chancellor Michelle Rhee. The Walton F... more »

The Senate Deception Continues on Parent Trigger - MyEdNext

mike simpson at Big Education Ape - 18 hours ago
The Senate Deception Continues on Parent Trigger - MyEdNext: The Senate Deception Continues on Parent Trigger Watching the Florida Senate debate the so-called Parent Empowerment bill, is like watching an episode of Truth or Dare. The bill's sponsor, Senator Kelli Stargel (R)- Lakeland, clumsily danced around answers to pertinent questions, like, *"Why is a parent trigger even needed in Florida?"* or, *"Who supports parent trigger in Florida."* I'm tired of the non answers, the wrong answers, and frankly, the lies presented with gusto such as the fabricated parent group with t... more »

Florida Parents Don't Let the Sunshine Melt Your AstroTurf +

mike simpson at Big Education Ape - 1 day ago
*Florida Parents Don't Let the Sunshine Melt Your AstroTurf * Sunshine Parents - Sneak Peak from Sunshine Parents on Vimeo. [image: Sunshine Parents] Sunshine Parents - Sneak Peak from Sunshine Parents PLUS 6 days ago NOT YET RATED Sunshine Parents is about parents speaking out in support for Parent Empowerment legislation. This is a sneak peak. For the full 30min mini documentary please go to - Parents want to be sure their sons and daughters are getting the very best educational opportunities, regardless of their circumstance. The voices of all families s... more »

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Walton Foundation giving $8 million to Rhee’s StudentsFirst — plus 2012 donations

mike simpson at Big Education Ape - 7 hours ago
Walton Foundation giving $8 million to Rhee’s StudentsFirst — plus 2012 donations: Walton Foundation giving $8 million to Rhee’s StudentsFirst — plus 2012 donations Posted by Valerie Strauss on May 1, 2013 at 11:07 am [image: walton] The Walton Family Foundation is giving $8 million to Michelle Rhee’s StudentsFirst to add to the scores of millions of dollars it hands out each year to support the public education reform agenda of Walton family members. The foundation says that in 2012, it handed out more than $158 million in funding for K-12 education reform initiatives focused on... more »

Failed DC Chancellor Michelle Rhee’s group stands by anti-gay honoree -

mike simpson at Big Education Ape - 10 hours ago
Failed DC Chancellor Michelle Rhee’s group stands by anti-gay honoree - Failed DC Chancellor Michelle Rhee’s group stands by anti-gay honoreeStudentsFirst declines to rescind award to John Ragan, fudges timeline of events and deletes laudatory blog postBY KATIE MCDONOUGH In response to a recent report that Michelle Rhee’s controversial nonprofit StudentsFirst named anti-gay Tennessee state Rep. John Ragan “reformer of the year,” the group is standing by him — responding with dubious claims about his record and scrubbing its website of a blog post hailing him for alway... more »
