Friday, May 31, 2013

LISTEN TO DIANE RAVITCH 5-31-13 Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all

Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all:

Click on picture to Listen to Diane Ravitch

Kids Are Never Too Young to Learn to Make Money

EduShyster reports here about a charter school in Utah where the goal of schooling is commerce.
Starting in kindergarten, the curriculum is all about buying and selling:
“HighMark administrators are quick to point out that the school is not a pint-sized business school. Instead, key business concepts and principles are integrated into every aspect of the K-8 charter. For example, “a student wanting to become a dentist will learn about the marketing aspect of dentistry, the pros and cons of opening 

Does Anyone Care?

Two mothers meet at a rally to protest the school closings in Chicago. One mother shows the other her cell phone. It has pictures of children on it. It is a Facebook page.
The second mother explains, these children will be killed if they cross the line into another neighborhood. That’s my son’s picture. He has been marked to die.
She went to the police. They turned her away. She went to school authorities. No one could help her.

NYC Parent Explains Why Parents Dislike Bloomberg’s “Reforms”

This reader echoes a frequent complaint expressed by parents in New York City. Mayor Bloomberg’s choice program gives choice to schools, not students. Sometimes one wonders if he is literally aiming to drive middle-class parents out of the school system and into charters, which will rescue their children from schools that the Tweed gang neglected.
The reader explains her frustration:
“There is No School Choice – Disenfranchising Children and Parents in District 15
School choice is a hallmark of the Department of Education under the Bloomberg/Tweed regime in New York City. But last week with the arrival of middle school placement letters in District 15, Brooklyn, it was made painfully clear to everyone, the choice is not ours, but theirs. My son, along with other boys from our high 

Gary Rubinstein on the Changing of the Guard at TFA

Wendy Kopp stepped aside as CEO of Teach for America and will devote her time to leading the new international arm of TFA, an allied organization called Teach for All.
Teach for All will bring the TFA model to nations around the world.
Here, Gary Rubinstein checks out the personae of her successors.
One he calls the “bad Wendy Kopp,” the other he calls the “good Wendy Kopp.”
Read the tweets he collected. Tweets are often more telling about a person (if he or she writes their own) than long dissertations.

How Will inBloom Help Students and Schools?

As everyone’s personal, confidential information joins that big data warehouse in the Cloud, what are the gains? What are the losses?
A reader sends this comment:
According to professor Jason Frand of UCLA Anderson School of Management:
“Data mining consists of five major elements:
Extract, transform, and load transaction data

It’s Time to Get Mad

Adam Kirk Edgerton is mad. He is mad at President Obama because he acts like a Republican.
Edgerton runs the Upward Bound program at Salem State University in Massachusetts. His students are losing their scholarships. Many students are losing scholarships.
Edgerton writes:
” I woke up mad today because when it comes to education policy, there is little daylight between a national Democrat and a national Republican. Dismantling civil-rights era social programs and replacing them with market-based reforms is what truly brings President Obama and the Republicans together.”
He adds:
“What I will argue is this: a Democratic administration is deliberately funneling funds away from direct services to 

Diane in the Evening 5-30-13 Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all

mike simpson at Big Education Ape - 4 hours ago
Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all: Where Is the Support for Our Children? by dianerav This teacher describes how the testing mania–the evil spawn of No Child Left Behind–has consumed his school without changing the odds against the students. They are still behind and certain to remain far behind. He writes: I teach fourth grade in a Philadelphia public school. Though the school has made AYP for the past two years, most of the students are not performing at grade level in math or reading. So, at this school, like most urban schools, the standardi... more »