Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Schools Matter: Newark Students Fighting for Their Lives

Schools Matter: Newark Students Fighting for Their Lives:

Newark Students Fighting for Their Lives

One of the most hopeful signs at Occupy the DOE 2.0 in DC this weekend were the number of students from all over the U.S. who showed up.  Students are beginning to stand up for their rights to a quality education and calling out the corporate criminals who continue to suck the life and soul out of public education while fattening their bottom lines and stockholder profits. That's what market driven education looks like, but that is not what democracy looks like. This is what democracy looks like.

Meanwhile, parents in New Jersey are opting their children out of the tests because they are also fed up.

A handful of New Jersey families will join an increasingly vocal national group boycotting state standardized tests this |spring, in the belief that they hinder true