Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Harris-Perry to Beck and Limbaugh: ‘Allow me to double down’ | The Raw Story

Harris-Perry to Beck and Limbaugh: ‘Allow me to double down’ | The Raw Story:

Harris-Perry to Beck and Limbaugh: ‘Allow me to double down’

By David Ferguson
Tuesday, April 9, 2013 15:09 EDT
Melissa Harris Perry screecap
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Melissa Harris-Perry responded Tuesday to charges by right-wing commentators like Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh who say that her recently released 30-second MSNBC promo is part of a United Nations plot to collectivise U.S. children and remove them from their parents’ custody.
In an essay published Tuesday called “Why caring for children is not just a parent’s job,”the Tulane professor and author said that the deluge of hate mail she has received from Beck and Limbaugh fans spurred her into action.
“My inbox began filling with hateful, personal attacks on Monday, apparently as a result of conservative reactions to a recent ‘Lean Forward’ advertisement now airing on MSNBC,” she wrote. “What I thought was an uncontroversial comment on my desire for Americans to see children as everyone’s responsibility has created a bit of a tempest in the right’s teapot. Allow me to double down.”
“I believe wholeheartedly, and without apology, that we have a collective responsibility to the