Saturday, April 13, 2013

October 2012: Failed DC Chancellor Michelle Rhee’s @StudentsFirst Threw a Party in NY. Were You Invited? – @ the chalk face

October 2012: Failed DC Chancellor Michelle Rhee’s @StudentsFirst Threw a Party in NY. Were You Invited? – @ the chalk face:

October 2012: Failed DC Chancellor Michelle Rhee’s @StudentsFirst Threw a Party in NY. Were You Invited?

Since our friend, Michelle Rhee, is finally (maybe) getting her comeuppance, this seemed to be a timely topic to bring up.
Last October, New York Governor Cuomo’s Education Reform Commission visited Long Island for an event, where citizens could listen to speakers and ask questions about how to go forward with the future of New York’s public education.  An invitation was sent out with the following encouraging message:
You don’t want to miss this chance to personally impact the future of education in New York State. At the end of the year, the commission will submit policy recommendations to the Governor, and many of those proposals are expected to be signed into law.
There were two ways to sign up to provide written testimony or to speak at the event.  The first was to RSVP to the personal invitation sent by StudentsFirst, which was sent out to targeted location.  If you were invited, it was easy to submit testimony.
The second way was to respond to the email address  provided on this flyer — through the state.  NY principal