Saturday, April 13, 2013

#msnbc Chris Hayes talks to Merrow: Twitter bomb @chrislhayes – @ the chalk face

#msnbc Chris Hayes talks to Merrow: Twitter bomb @chrislhayes – @ the chalk face:

#msnbc Chris Hayes talks to Merrow: Twitter bomb @chrislhayes

I’m sure by now most of you know the pressure is on Queen Rhee after the memo concerning cheating in D.C. was leaked to John Merrow.  In case you didn’t get a chance to see it, MSNBC’s Chris Hayes interviewed John about Rhee, the memo, the cheating, and the disastrous statistics that plaque the D.C. district.
The interview was a great first step at exposing Rhee.  But we know Rhee is just one of the many players in education reform.  Journalists must continue to shine the spotlight on D.C. and Rhee, but WE need to help the media and Chris Hayes understand that education reform is more than just a story about cheating.  Here are a series of tweets I sent to Chris Hayes.  Please feel free to copy, paste, and tweet.  Add your own too.
@chrislhayes thanks for taking the time to look where others refuse. So called education reform is the story of the century.
@chrislhayes the cheating on tests is just a small glimpse of a massive and coordinated attack on public schools.
@chrislhayes we are not conspiracy theorists. We have the evidence. Please talk to more of us.
@chrislhayes start looking at the true academic and intellectual damage that has been visited on a generation