Sunday, April 14, 2013

Diane in the Evening 4-14-13 Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all

Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all:

Children in NYC Suffer Bouts of Test Anxiety, Officials Shrug

As this article in the New York Times explains, elementary schoolchildren are frightened by the tests that start this week, based on the Common Core.
The article points out that neither the students nor the teachers are prepared. Some of the material was never taught. “But the standards are so new that many New York schools have yet to fully adopt new curriculums — including reading material, lesson plans and exercises — to match. And the textbook industry has not completely caught up either. State and city officials have urged teachers over the last year to begin working in some elements of new curriculums, and have offered lesson plans and tutorials on official Web sites. But they

Celebrated California Charter School Implodes in Dissension

The American Indian Model Schools has turned into a long-running drama. This week it took a sharp turn for the worse, as the board fired top administrators, some board members denounced other board members, and everyone was angry.
All this followed the revocation of the charters due to fiscal improprieties.
For years, it was the toast of conservative pundits because of its high test scores, its no-excuses discipline, and the epithets hurled by its director Ben Chavis at unions, school boards, liberals, “multiculturalists,” and anyone else he didn’t like. It won praise from Governor Schwarzenegger, President George W, Bush, Jonathan Alter, 

Rachel Levy: Who Will Investigate? What Happens Next?

Rachel Levy is a well-informed blogger who keeps a close watch on DC and Virginia education politics.
Here she wonders why anyone is surprised by the latest revelation about Rhee.
Who will investigate now that the two official bodies that previously investigated cleared Rhee without managing 

Why Are the Néw Tests Harder?

School officials across the nation keep warning that the new tests are “harder,” and passing rates will drop by 30% or more.
The passing mark–or cut score–on tests is not determined by science. It is a judgment call.
Those who are in charge decide where to place the passing mark.
If the scores go down on a test that is new, it is because the officials

Huffington Post: Ho-Hum to Rhee Smoking Memo

Huffington Post reporter Joy Resmovits notes renewed calls for investigation of cheating under Rhee but then points out that the issue has been thoroughly investigated, at least to the satisfaction of Rhee, Henderson, Duncan, and the Huffington Post.
She notes the latest cheating “audit” by Alvarez & Marsal and even refers to the fiirm as auditors. But A&M is not an auditing firm. It has no experience investigating test security.
A&M is a high priced management consulting agency. It restructures bankrupt companies. It was hired to turnaround the St. Louis public schools. Its CEO took charge; he had previously run the clothing store Brooks 

LISTEN TO DIANE RAVITCH 4-14-13 Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 1 hour ago
Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all: [image: Click on picture to Listen to Diane Ravitch] This is the “Smoking Memo” by dianerav This is the memo leaked to John Merrow by an official at the D.C. Public Schools. It answers some of the questions; What did Rhee know? When did she know it? What did she do about it? She says she got lots of memos. Do you think this one was so unimportant that she forgot about it? Robert Shepherd: A Closer Look at the Common Core Standards, 2 by dianerav Robert Shepherd explains his negative view of the Common Core stan... more »