Monday, March 4, 2013

MORNING UPDATE: LISTEN TO DIANE RAVITCH 3-4-13 Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all

Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all:

Click on picture to Listen to Diane Ravitch

Breaking News: Louisiana Judge Tosses Out Jindal Tenure Law

A state district judge in Louisiana, R. Michael Caldwell, threw out the state law that was intended to make teacher tenure extremely difficult to get or keep.
This is the same judge that held most of the law constitutional only a few months ago.
He just reversed himself.
Last December Bobby Jindal and John White were celebrating and praising the judge.
Now the teachers of Louisiana are celebrating and praising the wisdom of the same judge.

The Million-Dollar Question in Los Angeles School Race

A reader, who is obviously stunned by the all-out, multi-million dollar campaign to oust Steve Zimmer from the Los Angeles school board in tomorrow’s contest, asks this question:
“Is it over the top to say that the election of Steve Zimmer is the canary in the coal mine for American democracy? Maybe. But when you have a well qualified candidate who has many years of experience in the 

Why the Pushback Against Standardized Testing?

Every regular reader of this blog knows the answer or answers to the question that is the title of this post?
Standardized testing is being misused.
It is designed to measure how a student can read or do math in comparison with others in the same grade or age.
It is not designed to measure teacher or school quality.
It is not designed to trigger school closings.
It should not be used to stigmatize or brand students. It is a diagnostic tool.
This article by Teresa Watanabe in the Los Angeles Times ties together the growing demonstrations of 

Will Skandera Be Confirmed as Secretary of Education in New Mexico?

The Acting Secretary of Education in New Mexico is Hanna Skandera, who worked in Jeb Bush’s state department of education in Florida and also for Secretary of Education Margaret Spellings and California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger. She was appointed by the Republican governor but the Democratic-controlled State Senate has not confirmed her. Skandera wants to bring the “Florida model” to New Mexico.
Here is a news story about the hearings.
She has no classroom or school-level experience, but critics are worried about 

Why Does the National Media Ignore School Closings?

Bruce A. Dixon of Black Agenda Report asks a simple question: Why does the national media ignore mass closings of public schools? He says that if the national media gave as much attention to the school closings as it did to the privatization propaganda films “Waiting for Superman” and the “Won’t Back Down,” the public would be informed and outraged.
Frankly, the idea of blaming schools for low test scores and treating them as “failing” public schools is a brand-

Which Billionaires Are Trying to Buy the Los Angeles School Board?

Tomorrow, March 5, is Election Day in Los Angeles.
Voters will select the local school board.
Will billionaires (and some mere millionaires) persuade them to vote the slate they want?
Anthony Cody follows the money, since some of the donors will gain financially by electing their slate.
Mayor Villaraigosa boasts of having raised $3.7 million to keep the “reform” (aka, privatization) movement alive in Los Angeles. He must feel some urgency since Bloomberg’s third term ends this year, and NYC voters are tired of his endless school closings.
In addition, this article includes a list of the big donors to the campaign to oust Steve Zimmer and to protect Monica Garcia.
The supporters of the L.A. Campaign include not only New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, who failed to reform 

Don’t Miss It: Occupy the DOE 2.0

Make plans to attend Occupy the DOE 2.0 in Washington, D.C., on April 4-7.
Here is the official schedule.
What a stellar lineup of speakers.
I am speaking on Thursday afternoon.
Many wonderful thinkers, activists, teachers, writers.
A great opportunity to network with friends and allies who want to change the course of American education.
Time to resist.

A Close Look at the Latest KIPP Study

Bruce Baker looks closely at the latest Mathematica Policy Research study of KIPP and draws some useful lessons.
Mathematica says KIPP is more successful than the nearby public schools.
Baker shows that KIPP spends substantially more (in some districts, $5,000 more per student), has smaller 

Jonathan Kozol Endorses Steve Zimmer for Los Angeles School Board

From: Jonathan Kozol To: Steve Zimmer
School Board Member, L.A.U.S.D.
Subject: The Re-Election of an Enlightened Educator
Dear Mr. Zimmer,
March 3, 2013
I’ve been one of your strong admirers in the education world for a good while now. I’m writing to tell you and my many friends in Los Angeles that I think your voice is terribly important in defense of public education at a time when it is under fierce and irrational attack from those who would replace it, as much as they can, with charter schools and other private or semi-private institutions.
This issue is all the more important in light of the fact that many, if not most, charter schools are incapable or serving children with special needs — or, in order to boost their test-scores artificially, refuse to serve these children.
I’m also glad you’ve courageously resisted the political demand to judge the value of our teachers according to 

Diane in the Evening 3-3-13 Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 4 hours ago
Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all: Des Moines Reader Ask for Advice by dianerav A question from a reader: “Des Moines Iowa needs some advice. “Des Moines superintendent candidates narrowed to 3″ ” Carey Wright, chief academic officer of the We Owe Oprah an Apology by dianerav When readers learned that Oprah’s OWN network was filming in New Orleans, they feared that she would repeat the inflated and fraudulent claims about charter schools that are so often repeated on television. So did I. But according to this Louisian teacher, all of us were wron... more »



Click on picture to Listen to Diane Ravitch