Sunday, March 10, 2013

LISTEN TO DIANE RAVITCH 3-10-13 Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all

Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all:

Click on picture to Listen to Diane Ravitch

What a Professional Teacher Preparation Program Looks Like

One of the worst sins of Teach for America is that it has convinced politicians and corporate leaders that teachers need little or no professional preparation. Unlike doctors, lawyers, social workers, architects, engineers, or any other profession, teachers are allegedly well prepared to teach simply by holding a college degree and getting five weeks of training. In any other profession, this would be considered absurd. But TFA has sold our elites on this devaluation of the profession.
This reader has another view of what is really needed:
Dear Diane,
I am currently retired after teaching in Glenview, Illinois for 34 years. In the early 90’s our district was invited to 

News from New Hampshire: Erase Church-State Line

New Hampshire has become a new battleground over church-state issues. Conservatives want to divert public funding to support of religious schools.
Defenders of public education are taking action. A group called Advancing New Hampshire Public Education is a valuable resource of information and research about this stealth attack on public education. Some of those behind this project want nothing less than to dismantle public education.

A Teacher Questions the Common Core Standards

A teacher writes about the pluses and minuses of the Common Core:
There are a lot of good reasons to adopt the Common Core Standards. They really do provide an excellent framework for what would would love to see our students doing: thinking, writing, finding evidence in text, justifying arguments, and persevering in problem solving.
That being said, it is clear that there are some crazy problems that will require a lot more thoughtful implementation. There is no technology to prepare for the tests. There are no curricular materials to support 

Melissa Harris-Perry Rips Mayor Bloomberg

MSNBC host Melissa Harris-Perry tore into New York City Mayor Bloomberg for his latest tactic: blaming teen pregnancy for causing poverty.
Harris-Perry knows that poverty is caused by the economic structure of society, by a society that allows one man–like Michael Bloomberg or Bill Gates or Eli Broad–to accumulate many billions of dollars while millions are 

What Is the End-Game for “Reformers”?

Marc Epstein is an experienced history teacher in New York City whose school–Jamaica High School–was closed as part of the Bloomberg reform plans. Marc holds a Ph.D. In Japanese history, but he is now part of the Absent Teacher Reserve (ATR) pool, a large number of teachers whoever schools were closed. The teachers now roam the system, assigned for a week at one school, then another, their skills, knowledge, and experience 

Time for TFA to Stop the Spin

Gary Rubinstein noticed a burst of TFA tweets making dramatic claims. They said that a new study found that students of TFA teachers gained one year more than teachers with same experience, and that middle students gained a half year more from TFA teachers than from other new teachers.
Gary read the study and found that these dramatic claims were over hyped.
In eight comparisons, five showed no statistically significant difference.
In the middle school study, the students in TFA classrooms got two extra questions right on a 40 question test. 

LISTEN TO DIANE RAVITCH 3-9-13 Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 7 hours ago
Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all: [image: Click on picture to Listen to Diane Ravitch] What Kind of Education Do “Reformers” Want for Their Kids? by dianerav Krazy TA asks a relevant question: Do reformers put their own children in no-excuses schools? He writes: *The charterites/privatizers have toned it down a bit, but remember the electrifying mantra “we want to give poor kids the same education that rich kids get”? [chant in alternating patterns with "poverty is not destiny."]* *All right then. Go to the websites of the Waldorf School of the Pen... more »