Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Diane in the Evening 3-6-13 Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all

Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all:

Did Skandera’s All-Expense Paid Travel Break New Mexico Law?

According to a report in the Santa Fe Reporter, Hanna Skandera has taken numerous trips to conferences and meetings, with travel expenses paid by organizations that do business with the state.
The story says, “… over the past two years, various PED [Public Education Department] contractors have paid for Skandera’s flights and hotel rooms. For instance, in 2011, PED paid the Minnesota-based Summit Education Associates, LLC, more than $96,000 for “professional services,” according to the state’s Sunshine Portal.
“The company lists as its manager FEE [Jeb Bush's Foundation for Educational Excellence] Senior Policy 

Newtown Students Will Not Take State Tests

In January, the Newtown Board of Education asked the state education department of Connecticut to exempt students in the district from the state tests, due to the trauma of the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School in December.
The state education department agreed, but needed to get permission from the U.S. Department of Education.
The U.S. Department of Education agreed, and now the Connecticut General Asembly must give its consent.
So much for local control.

Nashville: Charter School Sticker Shock

The Metro Nashville school board was surprised to learn that new charter schools will absorb millions of dollars from the district’s budget, with more on the way.
The state legislature is about to approve legislation to override the veto of local school boards, so Nashville is sure to get more charters than it wants or needs.

TFA Wins Award for Hubris

Louisiana is in a budget crisis, and Governor Bobby Jindal has been closing hospitals that serve indigent patients and other social services for the needy. He has also been trying to find a way to fund his expensive voucher program, since a state court declared it unconstitutional last fall.
But Teach for America is undaunted by the state’s budget crisis. It has applied for a grant of $5 million.
Blogger Louisiana Voice writes:
“According to the project summary submitted with its application, the money would apparently be used to provide 550 to 700 teachers and 1,000 alumni who would serve as teachers, leaders and “positive change agents (whatever that is) in the lowest income schools throughout the greater New Orleans and greater Baton Rouge 

Oprah: Is It for Real or a Ploy?

Last week, I posted a comment from a teacher in Louisiana who watched the first segment of Oprah’s “Blackboard Wars” and was pleasantly surprised to see that the program showed how hard it is for a novice to teach and that charter schools have the same problems as public schools, that they are not a magic solution.
Gary Rubinstein cautions us to be wary. He notes that the struggling teacher is never identified as Teach for America, and that the struggles may be just a set-up to prepare us for redemption and triumph and the familiar story line.

Long Island News - Diane Ravitch to Speak on “Accountability in Great American School System” | Long Island Exchange

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 2 hours ago
Long Island News - Diane Ravitch to Speak on “Accountability in Great American School System” | Long Island Exchange: [image: Click on picture to Listen to Diane Ravitch] Diane Ravitch to Speak on “Accountability in Great American School System”[image: Long Island Press Releases & News] Long Island Press Releases — *Research professor of education at New York University the Thomas Dixon Lovely Ballroom in Ruth S. Harley University Center* *(Garden City, NY)* Adelphi University is proud to announce that Diane Ravitch will be speaking on “*Accountability in the Great American School S... more »

LISTEN TO DIANE RAVITCH 3-6-13 Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 2 hours ago
Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all: [image: Click on picture to Listen to Diane Ravitch] If Only Mayor Bloomberg Understood Proficiency Rates… by dianerav Matt Di Carlo noticed an odd sentence in Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s “State of the City” address. The mayor, as is now customary, was applauding his administration for the amazing progress of the schools under his stewardship, and he said the following, in anticipation of the new Common Core assessments: *“But no matter where the definition of proficiency is arbitrarily set on the new tests, I ex... more »