Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Diane in the Evening 2-19-13 Diane Ravitch's blog

Diane Ravitch's blog:

Susan Ohanian Takes Down the Common Core State (sic) Standards

Susan Ohanian hates the Common Core standards. She hates the way they were created and marketed. She thinks they are a great con job. She fears what this mad rush to standardization will do to children. She would oppose them, she says, even if all the recommended readings were her choices. Ohanian lives in Vermont, where she has taught English for many years. She has long been an outspoken opponent of standardized testing and No Child Left Behind.

What About the Good Charters?

This parent takes issue with Mark Naison and Bruce Bernstein, who wrote a post about how to tell whether your local charter school is avaricious. The few “good charters” are used by the corporate charter chains to clear the path.
Superb list. Very true. However, I must disagree with this sentence: “We will not categorically write off charter schools because there are some great ones.”
Maybe. But the privatizers declared war on our schools, our kids, our teachers, our parents and our taxpayers.
We didn’t start this war, any more than Poland in 1939. But we must fight back. And ultimately, emerge 

Renewed Battle Over Parent Trigger In Florida

“Parent trigger” is a zombie policy. It has never transformed a single school. It has no evidence. It is a slogan pretending to be a policy. It is the quintessence of a corporate power grab.
In the wake of the Newtown massacre, no decent person should utter the words “parent trigger.”
But in Florida, Coach Bob Sikes alerts his readers to the return of the “parent trigger” legislation that failed to pass last year. It failed because–no matter how hard Jeb Bush and Michelle Rhee promoted it–every parent group in Florida opposed it. Somehow the PTAs understood that “parent empowerment” would benefit the 

LISTEN TO DIANE RAVITCH 2-19-13 Diane Ravitch's blog

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 2 hours ago
Diane Ravitch's blog: [image: Click on picture to Listen to Diane Ravitch] Los Angeles School Board Race: Follow the Money by dianerav This just arrived in my email box: LAUSD: Follow The Money by Joseph K *Mensaje se repite en EspaƱol)* *I have to do this my way. You tell me what you know, and I’ll confirm. I’ll keep you in the right direction if I can, but that’s all. Just… follow the money.* * * *-Deep Throat, “All the President’s Men” (1976)* *If you want to know the direction LAUSD School Board President Monica Garcia and new candidate Kate Anderson want to take the Los Angel... more »