Saturday, January 5, 2013

The inbox. “Pension reform is without legal or moral justification.” « Fred Klonsky

The inbox. “Pension reform is without legal or moral justification.” « Fred Klonsky:

The inbox. “Pension reform is without legal or moral justification.”

Glen Brown responds to my Saturday Coffee post.
Rights of individuals are bound up with the theory and precepts of social and political justice we adopt (John Stuart Mill, On Liberty). When legislators swear an oath to uphold the state and federal constitutions, then citizens of Illinois and the United States have also acquired the right to expect that they will uphold that pledge. This is also a matter of important moral concern for all citizens of Illinois, for all legal claims will be validated by a moral framework since the concept of justice is grounded in ethics. If citizens’ legal rights are abused, then their dignity and humanity will also be violated.
Rights and obligations are logically correlative. In other words, a citizen’s rights imply or