Saturday, January 5, 2013

Revealing Debate over the Education Reform Dichotomy - Living in Dialogue - Education Week Teacher

Revealing Debate over the Education Reform Dichotomy - Living in Dialogue - Education Week Teacher:

Revealing Debate over the Education Reform Dichotomy

The most hotly debated article on Education Week last week was the Education Reform Dichotomy, with about a hundred comments. Some of the comments reveal the deeper thinking behind the two schools of thought that are in contention.
Commenter Paul Hoss offers the following:
...privatization is contemporary code for competition, as in opposing the public school monopoly that failed poor/minority youngsters for far too long, and not just in Chicago. If urban officials appear quick to allow (private) charter schools into their districts, it's because they've had it with the cavalier attitudes of the local district for too long. Their way, or the highway, has been replaced. I for one believe competition is good for most entities, schools included. No one can continue to sit complacent and believe people MUST tolerate their ways. That philosophy is thankfully expiring from coast to coast. 

Will the new paradigm succeed? Only time will tell but anything is an improvement over the deplorable results too many districts were (not) producing from prior generations. All kids deserve a shot at the American dream. ALL kids.
Inner city families finally have a choice as to where to send their children to school, a