Thursday, January 24, 2013

Special Late Nite Cap UPDATE 1-24-13 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2



An eloquent letter of support for the MAP test boycott from the teachers at Roosevelt High School

Wednesday/January 23, 2012 This We Believe: Teachers, parents, students, school board members and the administration of Seattle Public Schools owe Garfield High School teachers their gratitude and thanks for speaking the truth. We believe that any reprimand or negative consequences … Continue reading →

“On Parents, Better To Coax Or Coerce?”

Here’s an interesting article from a group called The Center For Michigan. It’s called On Parents, Better To Coax Or Coerce?
Here’s an excerpt:
The key is “to create conditions that allow parents to be more involved,” and not to make the burden of involvement rest entirely on the parent, Buckman said.

In Which I Am Instructed by DOE Experts

Today I went for an exciting day scoring kids I have never met and never will meet. This is because I, like every teacher in the state, cannot be trusted. I am a lowlife, dishonest, worthless piece of protoplasm, as are all teachers. Naturally, I cannot evaluate papers without help from the experts at Tweed. Likely none of them have ever taught so they aren't corrupted as we all are.

First of all, we should "bring a printed copy of the State-posted rating guide for the appropriate subject area." This is because we are patently 

Richard G. Stern, a Writers’ Writer, Is Dead at 84

Mr. Stern’s classroom at the University of Chicago became a showcase for visiting literary eminences like Philip Roth.

The Education Revolution: As Graduates Rise in China, Office Jobs Fail to Keep Up

Millions of Chinese graduate from college every year, but they struggle to find jobs in an economy that is still dominated by blue-collar industries.

Letting Vancouver teachers carry guns is debated at school board meetings

A group called Reality Clark County supports the proposal, prompting a group of parents to say they don't want more guns in schools.

First Images From District 4 Candidate Forum

Below are some images from the Anderson-Zimmer candidate forum that took place earlier tonight.  We’ll have a full report as soon as possible. Meantime, feel free to scroll down for the real-time Twitter updates from the event.

State Education Chief Will Finally Meet with Key Senate Committee

Cerf, on the job for two years and controversial reform agenda in tow, will discuss issues and initiatives.

Fine Print: Teacher Evaluation Update

The administration eases some guidelines, two pilot districts weigh in with their experiences and progress.

Diane in the Evening 1-24-13 Diane Ravitch's blog

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 3 hours ago
Diane Ravitch's blog: You Are Invited to a Webinar on High Stakes Testing by dianerav Parents Across America is hosting a Webinar on high stakes testing. Think about joining and meeting some of the leading figures in the opt-out movement. Let’s Talk: A Webinar on High Stakes Testing and Opting Out On January 27 at 1:00 PM PST, 3:00 PM Central and 4:00 PM EST, Parents Across America will be hosting an online seminar on high stakes testing and opting out of these tests. Our guests will be: Jesse Hagopian, teacher at Garfield High School and part of the MAP test boycott Shaun Johnso... more »