Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Diane in the Evening 1-8-13 Diane Ravitch's blog

Diane Ravitch's blog:

Petrilli: What’s Wrong With Skimming the Best Students?

Mike Petrilli at the conservative Thomas B. Fordham Institute has an interesting post about the high expulsion rate in DC charters (72 students are expelled from DC charters for every one expelled from the public schools). Be sure to read the story in the Washington Post that he refers to as well as the short video, in which Mike Petrilli appears).
Usually, corporate reformers insist that charter schools enroll exactly the same kids as the public schools. They even insist that attrition rates from charters are no different from public schools. They claim that if they could get high scores with “exactly the same kids,” why can’t public schools.
Petrilli disagrees. In effect, he says that charters are not for all kids. Charters are for strivers. So what if they kick out the lazy kids and the troublemakers. He thinks that’s a good thing because it rids the charter of the kids 

Do Public School Students in Florida Get Art and Music?

A reader in Florida saw the description of the Rocketship charters, where students get no art or music. She was not surprised because her child’s school has neither art nor music, just testing:
“My children attend a Title I school in Florida called Triangle Elementary in Mount Dora. They have no art class, no music class, and no recess (my children are 6 and 8). Florida puts all its emphasis on high-stakes testing, 

Local School Board Hijacked in Winston-Salem?

A reader writes to alert us to developments in Winston-Salem:
Another School Board Scandal is developing in Winston-Salem, NC. The recent long-time chair has been elected to the General Assembly, and the handling of vacancies has been outrageous, particularly in light of the fact that the elections are supposed to be non-partisan!
Once a new chair was named for the Board, the Vice-Chair selected was an official that was appointed (not 

LISTEN TO DIANE RAVITCH 1-8-13 Diane Ravitch's blog

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 2 hours ago
Diane Ravitch's blog: [image: Click on picture to Listen to Diane Ravitch] What Did Rhee’s Report Card Actually Measure? by dianerav G.F. Brandenburg, retired math teacher, has done a close analysis of Michelle Rhee’s. state report card. He calls it a “Brave New World-type Orwellian fantasy,” in which words mean the opposite of what they say. Her ranking does not measure whether states have high test scores or high graduation rates. it does not measure whether states have laws and policies that have encouraged better teaching and successful schools. It des not measure anything t... more »