Saturday, December 8, 2012

“We see what we are looking for” « InterACT

“We see what we are looking for” « InterACT:

“We see what we are looking for”

In yesterday’s L.A. Times, Sandy Banks has a column detailing a visit to Jordan High School.
[On] Wednesday, state schools Supt. Tom Torlakson visited the school with certificates announcing its improvement. Jordan’s 93-point jump on the state’s academic performance index was the biggest of any urban high school in California this year.
That’s why Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa showed up after working “56 hours straight” on trade missions and labor deals. “No way I’d miss this,” he said. His Partnership for Los Angeles Schools is the architect of Jordan’s reforms.
And it’s why philanthropist Melanie Lundquist, whose $50-million contribution keeps the partnership going, showed up ready to celebrate the return on her investment in this city’s struggling schools.
You can read the column to learn more about the turnaround, and what it is that the school is achieving beyond