Saturday, December 8, 2012

Marco Rubio’s Flip-Flop on Education | Scathing Purple Musings

Marco Rubio’s Flip-Flop on Education | Scathing Purple Musings:

Marco Rubio’s Flip-Flop on Education

The republican establishment in Washington and every state capital talks education policy in an echo chamber. Bobby Jindal’s now struck down state-wide voucher bill was seen as a  righteous holy crusade. Mitt Romney ran on vouchers. Jeb Bush made a gushing case for them in Tampa at the convention. Now, GOP standard-bearer Marco Rubio is talking the talk. In a recent speech to the Jack Kemp Foundation, Rubio pitched federal tax credit scholarships. From Jeff Solochek at Gradebook:
“Our tax code should reward investment in education. If you invest in a business by buying a machine, you get a tax credit for the cost. If there is a tax credit for investing in equipment, shouldn’t there be a tax credit for investing in people?
“Let’s provide tax encouragement to help parents pay for the school of their choice. Let’s create a