Monday, December 17, 2012

The Monday After Newtown « Cooperative Catalyst

The Monday After Newtown « Cooperative Catalyst:

The Monday After Newtown

I really hate coming to school the first day after a school incident somewhere else.  No one ever knows whether it will be a biggie to our kids or not, so we have to prepare and really think through how to support our kiddos.  I don’t mind that,  in fact, I want to be prepared and appreciate all that folks offer to help me get better at supporting kids–it’s more the worry that is the hassle for me.
So on Mondays I have two of our local middle school helpers in my room….and sometimes they show and sometimes not (when they are overwhelmed with homework, for example.) Today they both were here, and the 6th grader brought up the shootings, asking had we heard about them.  The eighth grader responded with yeah, she had heard about it, but it apparently wasn’t a big deal to her at this point, days later. I asked the younger one if she had seen it on the news, and we talked about how it had been all that was on  pretty much all weekend. Both helpers, though, seemed okay and didn’t seem to want to dwell upon it, but I did find it