Monday, December 31, 2012

LISTEN TO DIANE RAVITCH 12-31-12 Diane Ravitch's blog

Diane Ravitch's blog:

Click on picture to Listen to Diane Ravitch

When Non-Profits Are Very Profitable

The New York Times had a front-page story yesterday about a non-profit corporation that runs halfway houses in New Jersey.
It may be non-profit, but the owner and his family are making millions.
Does this remind you of anything else you have read lately?

Love Is the Answer

Please read about Mr. Wright, a brilliant physics teacher in Louisville.
An award-winning film was made about him, not just because of his vivacious, unorthodox teaching style, but because of his love for his son, who was born profoundly disabled. Please read the story about him in the New York Times and watch the video.
The video is amazing.
It will make you grateful for your blessings.
It will humble you.
It might change your life.

An Ally Offers His Help to You

Robert Rendo, a National Board Certified Teacher, has offered his talents as an illustrator to help all those fighting misguided reform. He writes:
dear diane,
i am a veteran teacher of 19 years, nationally board certifeid, and teach a low income immigrant population. i am also an editorial illustrator with works in the new york times, the chicago tribune, the sacramento bee, the society of illustrators, and the American photography/american illustration show. my work is a tool for advocacy, 

The Voice of a Data Point

This is a story written by Noa Rosinplotz, a sixth-grade student in the District of Columbia public schools. It first appeared on a Facebook page called “Children Left Behind,” a protest site for students and families. Noa sent it to her story, and she also wrote a letter, which follows the story. Students are not widgets; they are not pieces of clay. They don’t like what is being inflicted upon them. Once they become active, everything changes.
Please help Noa’s letter go viral!
The Little Datapoint and the Big Bad Test
Once upon a time, there was a little datapoint named Rosin Plotz, Noa. Her friends called her by her ID number, 9——, or 9 for short. She liked her job-most of the time. But 6 times a year, or 19 days in total, came the Big 

Diane in the Evening 12-30-12 Diane Ravitch's blog

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 5 hours ago
Diane Ravitch's blog: Time for Action by dianerav In response to Katie Osgood’s post, “A Message to Reformers,” Maureen Reedy wrote the following: “Katie, Diane and Friends, I am loving your article Katie, it is right on in every way. No more! No MORE!!! NO MORE!!!! I have contacted Ed Schultz, a production company in California, Michelle Alexander, author of The New Jim Crow who teaches at Ohio State, state senator and superintendents in Michigan, I have a panel ready to go with the media when we get someone to pick up the ball and run with it. I have been in touch with Paren... more »