Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Diane in the Afternoon 12-18-12 Diane Ravitch's blog

Diane Ravitch's blog:

Karen Lewis Reacts to the Kerfuffle

As readers of the blog know, I posted a tribute yesterday to “The Hero Teachers of Newtown.”
Soon after, the vice-president of Teach for America responded with outrage on Twitter and said that the post was “reprehensible” and should be retracted. I had no idea what he was offended by, but not long after I received many Tweets and comments on the blog from his followers, chastising me for daring to….well, I am not sure why they were upset. Some thought I slandered TFA, though the post didn’t mention TFA. Some thought I slandered non-union teachers, because I praised the Sandy Hook teachers and said they belonged to a union. Some alleged that I politicized the massacre by acknowledging (as many others have) that teachers have been 

Breaking News: Governor Snyder Vetoes Bill to Allow Guns in Schools

Governor Rick Snyder of Michigan vetoed a bill that would have allowed guns in schools.
His reason was that the bill did not have a provision allowing schools to opt out if they didn’t want guns in their buildings.
Presumably the next legislature, if so inclined, could make that fix. Let’s hope not. Guns don’t belong in

Katie Osgood Comments on the Twitter Debate

There has been a raging Twitter debate about whether my post “Hero Teachers of Newtown” disrespected Teach for America (which was not mentioned in the post) and non-unionized teachers. Some claim that I “politicized” the tragedy by pointing out that all those who died were members of a teachers’ union and many had tenure. Let us not forget that the political attacks on teachers, on tenure, on public schools, and on unions have been intense these past three years. I think the post is self-evident and speaks for itself. But others have useful comments. Here is Katie Osgood:
What a ridiculous debate. Diane’s post was a beautiful reminder of the work that teachers REALLY do every day. It points out that the slander and misinformation regarding unions, tenure, testing, evaluation, and teacher quality of EdReformers everywhere is completely unfounded and cruel.
What the teachers at Sandy Hook did was indeed heroic. But I would also like to point out that those 20 

Why Austin ISD Dropped IDEA Charter

A parent in Austin sent the following account of events there, along with a link to the newspaper story.
 Dear Diane,
I thought you might be interested in the vote of Austin ISD last night – not to renew the IDEA contract.  It was standing room only – many of the students you met at Eastside Memorial made incredibly impassioned pleas for the Board to “give our school back to the community”.  Here’s a short article someone sent to me late last 

LISTEN TO DIANE RAVITCH 12-18-12 Diane Ravitch's blog

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 2 hours ago
Diane Ravitch's blog: [image: Click on picture to Listen to Diane Ravitch] Last night’s Twitter Kerfuffle by dianerav Last night I posted a tribute to “The Hero Teachers of Newtown,” briefly describing each of them , noting that they were members of a union, they were career educators, and that the attacks on career educators and unions should stop. Shortly after, a TFA officer demanded on Twitter that I retract the post, calling it reprehensible. I was baffled. The post made no reference to TFA. Someone then wrote on the blog that I was casting aspersion on non-union teachers, w... more »