Monday, November 12, 2012

LISTEN TO DIANE RAVITCH 11-12-12 Diane Ravitch's blog

Diane Ravitch's blog:

Click on picture to Listen to Diane Ravitch

Why Charter Lobby Pushed San Diego Bond Issue

San Diego had a bond issue on the ballot. It passed handily.
It appeared to be a great victory for public schools.
But unknown to many, there was a sweet deal tucked into the bond issue.
The district will get $2.8 billion in loans, but $350 million is set aside for charters.
Decisions about how to allocate the money will be made by a committee, this article says, dominated by representatives of the charter industry.
Here is another name to add to the billionaire boys’ club: Irwin Jacobs of Qualcomm. This La Jolla billionaire believes that most students in the San Diego schools should eventually be in a charter school. Jacobs gave

A Superintendent’s Advice to President Obama

Jere Hochman runs an exemplary school district in Bedford, New York.
Before the election, he wrote an eloquent letter (which I posted though I may not have used his name) on why everyone should support President Obama.
He convinced me.
He also promised me that after the election, he would speak out about the need to change the punitive testing and accountability policies of this administration.
He is speaking out. 
The biggest problem in education today is the politicians, who are interfering in matters they do not understand,

The Real Crisis in The Cleveland Public Schools

Louis Filippelli, a teacher in the Cleveland public schools, writes that all of the most popular nostrums about school reform are wrong.
The governor, the mayor, the teachers’ union, the business community, and elected representatives are on the wrong track, he says.
More money, he writes, won’t solve the fundamental problem in the school, which is the lack of parent and student responsibility.
Filippelli maintains that the leaders are averting their eyes from the real crisis:
“The assumption that large numbers of student failures must be the fault of an incompetent, lazy, burned-out,

Support Indiana Superintendent-Elect Glenda Ritz

Parent groups in Indiana have posted a petition on calling on the elected officials of the state to respect the voters’ choice of Glenda Ritz. In early statements, the governor, the governor-elect and some legislative leaders indicated tat they would stand by Tony Bennett’s agenda, which the people of Indiana rejected. Parents called on the state’s leaders to abide by the democratic process.
This is the Indiana petition. Please sign it and circulate it on blogs and Facebook pages:
“Indiana voters elected Glenda Ritz as our new Superintendent of Public Instruction by a large margin. She received roughly 1,300,000 votes–about 100,000 more votes than the governor-elect, Mike Pence. Now, however, Governor Daniels refuses to acknowledge that our election of Glenda Ritz sent a clear message on the direction of school reform, saying instead: “The consensus and momentum for reform and change in Indiana is rock solid.” 

A Union Leader Joins the Honor Roll

Ronnie Greco, who is leader of the Jersey City Education Association, joins our honor roll of heroes of public education.
Ronnie refused to sign Jersey City’s application for a Race to the Top grant for $40 million.
Ronnie quickly figured out that not a penny of the $40 million would solve any problem that Jersey City public schools have.
It would not be used to improve teaching and learning conditions.
It would not be available to reduce class size.
It would be used to impose merit pay, which has never

Teachers’ Facebook and Phone Campaign for Obama

Two teachers have started a campaign to take their message to the White House: stop the Race to the Top!
The message of their campaign:
Give all students the same education your girls are getting! Abandon Race to the Top and stop privatizing public schools.
Join them!

Diane in the Evening 11-11-12 Diane Ravitch's blog

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 6 minutes ago
Diane Ravitch's blog: Teachers’ Facebook and Phone Campaign for Obama by dianerav Two teachers have started a campaign to take their message to the White House: stop the Race to the Top! The message of their campaign: Give all students the same education your girls are getting! Abandon Race to the Top and stop privatizing public schools. Join them! EduShyster Credits Stephanie Rivera for SFER Expose by dianerav Earlier, I published a post about Students for Education Reform, linking to a post by EduShyster. SFER is a junior version of Democrats for Education Reform, the group form... more »