Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Diane in the EveningDiane Ravitch's blog

Diane Ravitch's blog:

Mississippi Bests Florida

For years we have heard about the Florida miracle, supposedly the result of Jeb Bush’s tough accountability measures.
But whoa!
The latest federal data show that Mississippi has a higher graduation rate than Florida.
Is there a Mississippi miracle?

New Report on New Jersey Charter Schools

Bruce Baker here analyzes the new CREDO report on charter schools in New Jersey.
Charters in Newark outperform district schools, and Baker explains the secrets of their success.
Outside of Newark, charters were no different from public schools.

What Happened to Public Education in 2012 Elections

Joanne Barkan has written an excellent summary of how public education fared in the recent elections.
Barkan knows how to follow the money. Her article “Got Dough?” showed the influence of the billionaires on education policy.
She begins her analysis of the 2012 elections with this overview of Barack Obama’s embrace of GOP education dogma:
“Barack Obama’s K-12 “reform” policies have brought misery to public schools across the country: more standardized testing, faulty evaluations for teachers based on student test scores, more public schools shut 

Pennsylvania Cyber Charter won’t Answer Questions

The largest of Pennsylvania’s virtual charter schools is under investigation for its handling of public money. It’s offices were raided by the FBI earlier this year. It fired its top executives. The investigation continues.
Apparently the money rolled in so fast and furiously that the charter came up with ingenious ways to spend it, like sending a large number of its executives to get an online master’s degree on the public’s dime. But the lawyer for Pennsylvania Cyber Charter is not answering any questions. He seems to have forgotten that where public money goes, public accountability and transparency must follow.

Is This the Right Model for School Reform?

Herbert Michael writes that the recently approved Newark teachers’ contract accepts the corporate reformers’ ideas but that it uses the wrong model. Why not change urban schools to look like the schools where the leaders of the corporate reform movement send their own children?
He says:
“Despite the specious claims made by corporate financed education “reformers” claiming
that teacher “performance is our schools’ central problem, the real problem is the failure of our political classes 

LISTEN TO DIANE RAVITCH 11-27-12 Diane Ravitch's blog

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 2 hours ago
Diane Ravitch's blog: [image: Click on picture to Listen to Diane Ravitch] Ms. Katie Looks into the Heart of the Elites by dianerav Katie Osgood reviews Chris Hayes’ new book “Twilight of the Elites” and ponders how the elites–the so-called best and the brightest–are now running education policy. Their ideas fail and fail but they boldly push ahead, utterly unfixed by the damage they inflict on others. They enjoy money, power, prestige, unlike those poor teachers and children whose lives they mess up with their hapless schemes. The New Yorker Profile by dianerav In its issue of... more »