Monday, November 26, 2012

Diane in the Evening 11-26-12 Diane Ravitch's blog

Diane Ravitch's blog:

Students Organize to Support Public Education

A group of college students has organized a new organization to support public schools, teachers and unions, to oppose privatization and to demand elimination of high stakes testing.
They will work together to strengthen free,open, democratic and equitable public schools.
I have signed as a supporter.
Please join them. Show your support.

Sad News from Louisiana

On Thanksgiving Day, I posted a tribute to the teachers of the year in Acadia Parish in Louisiana.
With Governor Bobby Jindal in charge and with a compliant state board and a compliant TFA state commissioner, Louisiana is ground zero for the privatization of public education in America.
Jindal has control of the state board mainly because of huge campaign contributions from out of state supporters of his rightwing agenda.
As part of its destruction of public education, the state has enacted punitive laws directed at teachers.
Their evaluations will be tied to test scores, and it will be easy to fire them. They have no job rights.
In response to my tribute to the teachers in Louisiana, I received the following comment. Please recall that prior


coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 3 hours ago
Diane Ravitch's blog: [image: Click on picture to Listen to Diane Ravitch] If Mr. Rogers Were Secretary of Education by dianerav A reader sent this comment in response to an earlier post about Mr. Rogers, the kind and gentle man who had his own television show for children for many years: *I have to believe if Mr. Rogers were in charge of education, Race To The Top would work like this:* *“There was a story going around about the Special Olympics. For the hundred-yard dash, there were nine contestants, all of them so-called physically or mentally disabled. All nine of them assem... more »