Monday, November 19, 2012

Diane in the Evening 11-19-12 Diane Ravitch's blog

Diane Ravitch's blog:

Help This Small Community By Signing Its Petition

The town of Scottsburg, Indiana, has fewer than 10,000 residents.
There is a proposal before the City Council to open a charter school.
This will split the town.
Some public school parents have started a petition to ask the City Council and the Mayor not to open a charter 

Why Local School Boards Are Targeted for Destruction

A local school board in Florida rejected the application of a for-profit charter operator.
The board said they had had a bad experience with the last charter school, which closed for low performance.
They also knew that this applicant had some problems, financially and academically.
When the Metro Nashville school board rejected the Great Hearts charter because of its inadequate plans to serve the diverse students of the city, the TFA state commissioner went berserk and withheld $3.4 million in state aid from the district.
Corporate reformers hate local school boards because they can’t control them.
In the last election, they spent millions to try to buy

Teacher: Why I Won’t Return to Teach in Georgia Unless…

This teacher is responding to the post by the North Carolina teacher who quit his job rather than submit to unprofessional mandates and politically motivated directives:
I am a 13 year teacher who recently left the United States (Georgia) to come teach overseas.. I don’t know if I can ever go back to the USA and teach in public schools again for the very same reasons that the author of this blog wrote about.
I swear I came this close to a heart attack my last year teaching in Georgia.
I have already talked to my husband about when I do go back home to Georgia how I do not want to teach in the 


coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 2 hours ago
Diane Ravitch's blog: [image: Click on picture to Listen to Diane Ravitch] Thank You, G.F. Brandenburg by dianerav One of the bloggers I admire most is G.F. Brandenburg. Compared to me, he is a veteran blogger. He has been chronicling the foibles of “reform” since 2009. His blog revealed that Michelle Rhee’s claims of having been a miracle teacher were bogus. He has followed her career since she left D.C.; do a search on his site and you will discover an interesting number of blogs about inflated claims in D.C. I don’t know Brandenburg but I do know he is a retired math teacher, w... more »