Sunday, October 7, 2012

Schools Matter: Huck Finn On Interpretation: Jim Answers Coleman

Schools Matter: Huck Finn On Interpretation: Jim Answers Coleman:

Huck Finn On Interpretation: Jim Answers Coleman

Coleman's Nihilistic Pedagogy
Morse Peckham's non-final Answer
The Instability of "Meaning"
GOP Rep. Dr. Paul Broun (GA) offers an example asserting a "Young Earth" Answer
Jim's goodness as answer to all of this (Huckleberry Finn)
Huck in the fog


Famously (apparently) David Coleman uttered the ultimate truth of the ground zero stance in his "pedagogical" nihilism:
Common Core’s architect, David Coleman, says the new writing standards are meant to reverse a pedagogical pendulum that has swung too far, favoring self-­expression and emotion over lucid