Sunday, October 7, 2012

School Tech Connect: Let's Hang Out In Rogers Next Sunday

School Tech Connect: Let's Hang Out In Rogers Next Sunday:

Let's Hang Out In Rogers Next Sunday

If you happen to be one my neighbors up here in the hub of the city, and by that, I mean Rogers Park, and you want to come talk about the negative impact of charter schools on the neighborhood, then by all means get out your calendar.

Sunday, October 14, 2012
3 PM 
Community Meeting in Rogers Park 
Topic: No More Charters In Rogers Park!

Rogers Park now has UNO sitting in St. Scholastica's old building, which I have no doubt was a highly profitableNMTC deal for a certain commodiously chinned mogul, and we have long had the union-busting Turkish schoolon Clark expelling its less compliant students back over to Sullivan right before the spring testing season.  This meeting will give the neighbors a chance to meet each other and chat about all that. 

Contact me for the location; it's at a private residence.  I'm available @tbfurman or you can leave your email here in the comments, or you can email me at the gmail. And my name there is timothyfurman.