Sunday, October 21, 2012

Morning UPDATE: LISTEN TO DIANE RAVITCH 10-21-12 Diane Ravitch's blog

Diane Ravitch's blog:

Click on picture to Listen to Diane Ravitch

Why Won’t the Reformers Let Us Teach?

An English teacher in Rhode Island writes:
I’m a great teacher. I’m waiting for the opportunity, at the ripe old age of 49, to switch careers. My heart is broken. I am deluged with PLC’s, SLO’s, dog and pony lesson plans that go nowhere, and impossible observations that require me to make my students lie through their teeth. I’m tired of the “idiocracy” that states things like “the SAT is an achievement test” and that “all children can learn” without providing qualifiers and quantifiers. I am waiting for the hammer to fall when I get caught not teaching the new Common Core Curriculum because I’m ignoring it and teaching to the curriculum I created that works VERY well. If I have to learn one new 

Indiana Voters Can Defeat Privatization Movement

The big corporate money is flowing into Indiana to re-elect privatizer Tony Bennett as its champion.
But fortunately the voters have a chance to throw him out and elect Glenda Ritz, an educator who wants to improve public education.
Please read this post from a Hoosier.
I commend to you the anonymous comment by a man who served as a teacher and principal for many years in the state. He understands what is happening, as Bennett systematically gives away public schools to private 

“Won’t Back Down” Continues to Plummet

Memo to Hollywood: The American public will not pay to see a movie that demonizes teachers’ unions and public schools, while touting the glories of privatization.
“Won’t Back Down” was supposed to be the movie of the year. It had nonstop promotion by NBC’s Education Nation, big-name stars, a stint on Ellen’s show, and a glitzy opening at the New York Public Library.
What was the result?
The movie opened to the worst box-office of any film in wide distribution in thirty years (in 2,504 theaters).

How to Kill a Love of Learning

A reader who is active in the SOS (Save Our Schools) movement wrote:
Dr. Ravitch: Ever since I became involved with the planning of the first SOS March (back in May of 2010), I have treasured your historic perspective on testing and your insight on education reform. You have shown the unique ability to see both the forest and the trees. I wish that more people had your ability to understand how seemingly isolated actions and policies are part of a bigger picture– one driven by the corporate profit and the desire to privatize public education.
Based largely on the information gained from people such as you, I became an activist and have fought hard on 

Who Is Paying for Charter Referendum in Georgia?

An article in a Georgia newspaper identifies the money behind the charter referendum.
Remember that Governor Nathan Deal wants the power to create a state commission to approve charters even though the local school board turns them down. This is based on ALEC model legislation. It serves corporate interests while spurning local control.
The advocates raised almost half a million dollars as of September 1. Almost all of that money came from out of 

Louisiana Evaluation System Flunks Top Teachers

Teachers in some of Louisiana’s best schools are getting low ratings. Because their students already have high scores, the teachers are not getting high value-added scores, and many of he state’s best teachers will be rated ineffective. A teacher rated ineffective two years in a row may be fired.
Test scores count for 50% of every teacher’s evaluation.
State Commissioner of Education John White defends the state’s harsh system, even though it appears set to 

Diane in the Afternoon 10-20-12 Diane Ravitch's blog

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 6 hours ago
Diane Ravitch's blog: What Does Tony Bennett (Not the Singer) Call “a Beautiful Day” by dianerav Read here to learn Indiana State Superintendent Tony Bennett’s description of “a beautiful day.” I can think of so many other ways to describe a beautiful day. I’m going out to take a walk and experience one of those beautiful days in Brooklyn. I want to forget about the Breaking News! VAM in Florida County is a Disaster by dianerav The Tampa Bay Times reports that teachers are baffled, confused, and outraged by their value-added ratings, which will determine their evaluation, their... more »

UPDATE: LISTEN TO DIANE RAVITCH 10-20-12 Diane Ravitch's blog

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 9 hours ago
Diane Ravitch's blog: [image: Click on picture to Listen to Diane Ravitch] The Campaign for Our Public Schools: What You Need to Do Now by dianerav The Campaign for Our Public Schools was a spontaneous effort to gather the candid views of educators, parents, students, and concerned citizens about the state of public education policy today. On October 3, everyone reading this blog was invited to write a letter to President Obama expressing their ideas. In a brief, two-week period, nearly 400 letters were submitted. There were many that were eloquent, many that were heartfelt, many wr... more »