Wednesday, October 10, 2012

UPDATE: Diane in the Evening 10-10-12 Diane Ravitch's blog

Diane Ravitch's blog:

How to Join the Campaign for Our Public Schools

As a result of many comments on this blog, and in response to a great yearning to raise our voices, many teachers, parents, students, administrators and concerned citizens plan to join together in a mass letter-writing campaign to the President.
We want all letters submitted here to this blog or to Anthony Cody no later than October 17.
You may write to the White House directly, and the mail address is in the instructions link. But if you do, you will be required to disclose your identity in full. Knowing that many educators are fearful these days, you may send Anthony and me your letter without disclosing your name.
Please add as much detail as possible about your concerns. Be clear. Be specific.

The Case for For-Profit Entrepreneurs in Education

This is the most revolting article I have ever provided a link to. It is written by some money-grubbing entrepreneur who boasts that for-profit businesses are necessary to provide the innovation that education needs.
His insult to my friend Anthony Cody sets the tone. Apparently this guy was annoyed when Cody had the nerve to challenge the Gates Foundation for facilitating the privatization of public education.
I say we need more teachers like Anthony Cody and 

Who Is Paying for Charter Referendum in Washington State?

A reader sent the list of contributors to the campaign for 1240 in Washington State, which authorizes charters. See here and here for more about 1240.
Please read the list. Not clear if anyone on it is a parent of a public school student. What you will see is a list of billionaires in the high-tech sector.
Will big money buy the referendum?
Is public education for sale to the billionaire boys’ club?

Tomorrow is Money Blast in Washington State

Help your friends fight off the charter billionaires in Washington State.
Tomorrow is Money Blast Day:
It’s here – Money Blast Day in Washington state to fight off I-1240 that would establish charter schools here. (Washington is one of just nine states that does not have them and we have voted – three times – and said no to charters.)
But Bill Gates and his wealthy friends just infused the Yes side to the tune of $3M (they are up over $8M total). It’s a David and Goliath fight that we intend to win but we need help.
The No On 1240 campaign is having a MONEY BLAST all day on October 11th to raise money for this fight that 

Ever Heard of These Charters?

Louisiana passed its historic privatization legislation last spring, which included not only vouchers for more than half the students in the state, but inducement for many organizations to open multiple charter schools.
Now the state is getting swamped with applications from unknown or little-known groups. Maybe it is your Uncle Harry and Aunt Mabel. Maybe it is the guy who usually runs a hardware store. Maybe it is a dentist and his friends. Are they qualified to run schools?
Who knows?
People in public schools call them “pop-up charters” because they materialized out of nowhere to grab some 

My Speaking Schedule Next Week

Next week I am traveling and lecturing in the Midwest.
I speak at the City Club in Chicago on Monday October 15 at 7:30 am.
Same day, I speak to the CREATE assessment conference at University of Illinois at 11:30 a.m.
Same day, I speak to members of CTU at 4 pm, not yet sure of location.
Fly to Columbus, Ohio, that night.
On October 16 at 9:00 am I speak to the Coalition for Equity & Adequacy of School Funding, Bridgewater Banquet Facility in Powell, Ohio.
I leave immediately after I speak and fly to Lansing, Michigan. On October 17, I speak to the Tri-County Alliance for Public Education, 8:30am.
Then I leave and fly to St. Paul, where I speak on October 18 to the annual conference of Education Minnesota at 11:30 am.
I dash to make a flight home.
I hope you can do this when you are 74!

LISTEN TO DIANE RAVITCH 10-10-12 Diane Ravitch's blog

coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 2 hours ago
Diane Ravitch's blog: [image: Click on picture to Listen to Diane Ravitch] How to Join the Campaign for Our Public Schools by dianerav As a result of many comments on this blog, and in response to a great yearning to raise our voices, many teachers, parents, students, administrators and concerned citizens plan to join together in a mass letter-writing campaign to the President. We want all letters submitted here to this blog or to Anthony Cody no later than October 17. You may write to the White House directly, and the mail address is in the instructions link. But if you do, you wil... more »