Saturday, September 15, 2012

Schools Matter: NCTQ Is An Advocacy Group for Corporate Education Reform--Someone Tell the NYTimes

Schools Matter: NCTQ Is An Advocacy Group for Corporate Education Reform--Someone Tell the NYTimes:

NCTQ Is An Advocacy Group for Corporate Education Reform--Someone Tell the NYTimes

For years I've continued to watch the New York Times pretend they believe that the morally-compromised Kate Walsh and National Council on Teacher Quality represent a "nonprofit, nonpartisan research group," when, in fact, they would know if have visited the NCTQ website that even NCTQ admits that 
The National Council on Teacher Quality advocates for reforms in a broad range of teacher policies at the federal, state and local levels in order to increase the number of effective teachers. . .
NCTQ is funded by corporate money for corporate reasons and run by corporate acolytes.  NCTQ is a corporate