Saturday, September 15, 2012

CUNY Administration Declares War On Rebel Faculty « Student Activism

CUNY Administration Declares War On Rebel Faculty « Student Activism:

CUNY Administration Declares War On Rebel Faculty

This is an astounding story.
On Wednesday the English department at Queensborough Community College voted not to adopt a policy of the City University of New York to reduce composition course credits from four to three. In so doing, they rejected the CUNY Pathways initiative, a proposal for streamlining and centralizing CUNY curricula which many facultyregard as antithetical to students’ needs.
Administrators didn’t like this. And in fact they disliked it so much that Queensborough announced two days later that they’re dismantling the QCC English department in retaliation.
In an email sent to the department chair yesterday QCC Vice President Karen Steele announced that because