Friday, September 28, 2012

Mother Crusader: Hey Daniel Barnz, I Know EXACTLY Why I'm Protesting Your Movie!

Mother Crusader: Hey Daniel Barnz, I Know EXACTLY Why I'm Protesting Your Movie!:

Hey Daniel Barnz, I Know EXACTLY Why I'm Protesting Your Movie!

I just cross posted a piece I wrote for WHYY's NewsWorks about last Sunday's less than empowering Parent Advocacy panel at Education Nation, which was followed by the NYC premiere of the film Won't Back Down, which was met with a protest across the street.

Since then I have read countless scathing reviews of the film (see them aggregated at Rotten Tomatoes) as well as amazing accounts of the day from others I shared the experience with, including the intrepid Leonie Haimsonand student activist Stephanie Rivera.

What grabbed my attention today however was the seemingly disingenuous plea of the film's director, Daniel Barnz on the Huffington Post.  This guy is taking a beating for this movie, and I can only imagine he feels like he