Friday, September 28, 2012

Michael Feinberg of KIPP in New Zealand: FAIL | Seattle Education

Michael Feinberg of KIPP in New Zealand: FAIL | Seattle Education:

Michael Feinberg of KIPP in New Zealand: FAIL

As I mentioned in a previous post, A look at KIPP, Michael Feinberg, NCTQ and Bill Gates, Michael Feinberg is in New Zealand trying to sell his wares. Fortunately, folks in New Zealand are not buying this snake oil.
Check out what New Zealand thinks of KIPP:
What this portrays is a hideous caricature of education which would be anathema to most New Zealand parents. KIPP has overall dropout rates of 30% before Year 9 – which rises to 40% (sic) for African American male children – and this would never be tolerated in a New Zealand school.
From Current News, Quality Public Education Coalition:
The charter-mongers
Tonight, Mike Feinberg will speak at a public meeting in Christchurch about the amazing success of his KIPP