Thursday, March 8, 2012

Teach for America is great! Just not for my kid.... - The Answer Sheet - The Washington Post

Teach for America is great! Just not for my kid.... - The Answer Sheet - The Washington Post:

Teach for America is great! Just not for my kid....

This was written by Katie Osgood, a teacher on a child/adolescent inpatient unit at a psychiatric hospital in Chicago. Her students attend all types of schools but most are from low-income minority neighborhoods. This post first appeared on her blog Ms. Katie’s Ramblings.
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Who won millions in Walton Foundation grants in 2011

The pro-charter Walton Foundation handed out more than $159 million in 2011 in 16 metropolitan areas around the country to promote school choice. It also committed to giving $49.5 million to Teach for America over five years to double its teaching corps and $25.5 million over the same period to the KIPP charter school network to double the number of students it educates.
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