Thursday, March 8, 2012

NYC Public School Parents: Backed By 100+ Police Officers, Mayor Forces South Williamsburg Vote

NYC Public School Parents: Backed By 100+ Police Officers, Mayor Forces South Williamsburg Vote:

Backed By 100+ Police Officers, Mayor Forces South Williamsburg Vote

The controversial agenda item for the March 1st PEP meeting was the co-location of a Success Academy at IS 50 in South Williamsburg, Brooklyn. The co-location is opposed by the Southside Community Schools Coalition, a broad coalition of community based organizations, churches, schools and politicians in the community. As I made my way to Fort Greene Park for the SCSC press conference from inside Brooklyn Tech High School I counted 85 police officers. Many wore uniforms or insignia indicating their special branches - task forces, riot police, community affairs, even two park rangers who kept watch from a hill in the park. If we include the reserve squad positioned in the Brooklyn Tech gym and the uncounted plain clothes officers, there were well over 100 police officers on hand to ensure the mayoral bloc of PEP members carried out their voting in support of the administration.

NY1 covered the press conference and subsequent vote here. Two things are missing from the news accounts 

A NYC teacher's response to the publishing of her confidential -- and unreliable -- data report

Roe Wrubel is currently a 4th grade teacher.  My daughter was lucky to have Roe as her teacher in the 1st and 2nd grades. Her talent and commitment encapsulates everything that is great about the profession. For those who are interested, Roe's TDR came out far above average.  But that did not prevent her from being distressed about its release and publication.  She posted the below eloquent remarks next to her TDR on the NY Times website.  With her permission, I am reprinting them here:
I truly don't have the words to express the enormity of how this small act, this one 'report', this blip that's been added to the overwhelming archive that is the world wide web, encapsulates all that is wrong with