Thursday, February 23, 2012

Seattle Schools Community Forum: New Survey Shows Washington State Supports Charter (Just Ask the Questions the Right Way)

Seattle Schools Community Forum: New Survey Shows Washington State Supports Charter (Just Ask the Questions the Right Way):

New Survey Shows Washington State Supports Charter (Just Ask the Questions the Right Way)

I saw that the Washington Policy Center (which is basically a right-wing thinktank) did a poll and they say that 60% of the people surveyed say they support allowing charters and 64% say they support allowing "low-income and minority children in urban neighborhoods" to attend them. They surveyed 400 adults statewide. It doesn't say when the poll was taken.

The idea of changing state law to allow charter public schools found support in all areas of the state – 55% of respondents in Eastern Washington and 61% in Western Washington supported allowing charters, including 58% in King County and a slim majority (51%) in Seattle.

The highest level of opposition was reported in Seattle, where 32% said they strongly or somewhat oppose