Thursday, February 23, 2012

Mike Petrilli. Your Ohio charter schools are lousy for kids. « Fred Klonsky

Mike Petrilli. Your Ohio charter schools are lousy for kids. « Fred Klonsky:

Mike Petrilli. Your Ohio charter schools are lousy for kids.

Mike Petrilli is a charter booster for the right-wing Fordham Foundation.

He’s never seen a public school he likes or a charter he doesn’t.

Even his own crappy ones in Ohio.

Almost 2,400 students are in Fordham charter schools that rank in the bottom half of all of Ohio’s schools. Why hasn’t Fordham been able to translate SB5 like tools into educational success in the many years they have been sponsoring these charters?

They are unencumbered by unionized teachers, state mandated regulations, all the things that should add up to a corporate education reformer’s brightest