Sunday, February 19, 2012

Peg with Pen: Looking the Other Way

Peg with Pen: Looking the Other Way:

Looking the Other Way

This weekend I attended the Colorado People’s Assembly, agathering of activists from across the state who are working hard to wake upColorado. They have brilliant ideas and strategies – they weren’t crunching numbers to determine howthe end result will create profit for a few.

I went to the Colorado People’s Assembly to help create communityand to do a teach-in on the effects of corporate education reform. It can be hard for me to speak objectivelyabout these issues – these issues are wrought with pain for so many people –yet, I recognize that the facts, the stories, speak for themselves, and often thatis all that needs to be told. I try to share this information within the confines of an hour - not an easy feat and it is inevitable that after