Sunday, February 19, 2012

Daily Kos: A couple of personal and professional observations

Daily Kos: A couple of personal and professional observations:

A couple of personal and professional observations

1) I am active enough in enough circles to have a very good sense of what teachers think on a lot of topics.

2) In general, teachers have tended not to be outspoken, but so many are so upset with this administration that they have been saying and doing things that in the past would have been inconceivable.

3) My diary earlier today, Dear Mr. President, neither said that I would not vote for the President nor did it advocate that other teachers not vote for the President. What I did is to express my concerns and those i hear from other teachers. Whether or not people in either the administration or the campaign want to listen, what I wrote is an accurate representation of what increasing numbers of teachers feel, including those who are members of unions - and until two weeks ago when i resigned, i was my building's union rep.

4) That both unions have already endorsed Obama is not necessarily a reflection of what th