Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Life in Rahm’s Chicago: Wednesday edition. « Fred Klonsky

Life in Rahm’s Chicago: Wednesday edition. « Fred Klonsky:

Life in Rahm’s Chicago: Wednesday edition.

It’ll be a hot time in the old town in May.


The stage is set for dramatic street scenes in Chicago this May during the G-8 and NATO summits. The actors are ready: Mass actions in Oakland, Calif., on Saturday, followed by solidarity marches across the country Sunday indicate that

Guest post: “Teach for America” as a two-year prelude to Wall Street.

By MIT Prof

I teach at MIT. I have several traditions associated with my last class of the semester, one of which is to give a short speech to my students on why they, the best and the brightest, should go into K-12 education. Last month, I encountered a new response. One of my students, a very bright management senior, told me that JP Morgan Chase is offering her a job as an analyst but also offering to postpone the position for two years while she spends that time in the “Teach for America” program.

The class discussion that followed her statement was interesting. I asked the class if they thought they would be good teachers after a five-week boot camp. With one exception, they all thought it would take more time for a teacher to learn his or her craft. I asked students how many of their favorite teachers had just started teaching. There was a general consensus that their best teachers had been teaching for at least four or five years.