Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Daily Kos: international war on poor people

Daily Kos: international war on poor people:

international war on poor people

I was driving to school this morning and listening to NPR and heard a report on Greece. It has arranged a credit swap which could cut its debt in half, but is having trouble resolving its financial problems because international financiers are refusing an additional bailout unless it cuts its minimum wage.

This is a pattern that is all too familiar, that we are also seeing in our own nation.

If there are government financial problems, those who have not suffered financially will not step up and pay more into government coffers by taxes and fees.

No, instead they want the income of those on the bottom to be cut.

They want government benefits to be cut - social security, medical care, nutrition

They demand privatization of government-run programs and facilities - overseas it is already happening with water supplies, in our nation it is schools and prisons. The Navy no longer builds its own ships.

International corporations play off one nation against another, just as companies have played off one American state against another - demanding tax breaks and infrastructure to be built as a condition of locating or keeping a